Chapter 15

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*Jax's POV*

Finals are finally over! I was more than excited when I answered the last question to my last period final, in one more week I will officially be a senior. Prom is also next week, too and yes I'm still going with Olivia. When she told me she would go with me I think shocked was an understatement. I was happy because I didn't have to be making excuses all night as to why I don't have a date.

Oh well, but finally the weekend. There were parties going on later or on Saturday but I don't really care considering I don't want a repeat of last time.

Ever since Oliver and Olivia cooked dinner that night things seemed tense. Oliver grew more distant. Maybe it has to do with this Jackson person. I know he doesn't want to talk about him so I shoved the nagging into the back of my head and try not to think about it.

I think Oliver is coming over. I mean if he's not here he's probably at the gang house. Speaking of the gang house, Oliver made me go there almost all this week because he told me of a rival gang that was back and they were not good news. He told me of his phone call with Olivia explaining who the Syndicate were and what they have done. The gang doctor, Lucian, yea remember him well Mickael said we might need some extra hands due to the rival gang so Lucian and his wife Izabelle were teaching me what they knew and helping me learn a lot more, I felt like I was one step ahead of college.

Anyway, I pull into my empty driveway cutting the engine once parked in my usual spot. I hopped out of my car grabbing my backpack from the passenger seat before closing my door then locking it with the key fob. I unlocked my front door taking off my shoes near the doorway and jogged upstairs and put down my shoes and backpack. I wouldn't need my backpack next week since it's the last week of school.

I went back downstairs to make some food; I didn't eat anything but an apple today and with finals it made me hungrier. As I was just finishing draining the pasta from the water the doorbell rang. I checked my phone to see there were no new messages or calls. I cautiously made my way over to the door, unlocking it and opening it slowly.

I peered through the crack and let out a sigh of relief seeing Oliver standing there. I opened the door wider allowing him to enter, "Hey is that pasta I smell?" he asked walking passed me to the kitchen.

"Yea I just got done with my finals and was hungry and there's literally only that in this house, my mom hasn't been grocery shopping yet, I think she might when she gets home but I don't know," I said with a shrug then pulled out two plates and glasses as he sat down on one of the stools at the counter.

"What time are Kailee and Max supposed to be home?" I just shrugged.

"I think they've been having half days this week or something because they're home earlier. Probably since the high school gets out, I'll call my mom," I said plating the past and pouring some ginger ale, setting them where I would be sitting and in front of Oliver. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts landing on my mom and pressing 'call.' It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Hi Jax is everything okay?"

"Yea it's fine Ma, I was just wondering when Kailee and Max got out school so I could pick them up," I told her while watching as Oliver ate his pasta.

"Today Kailee gets out at 12:30 and Max is at one I think," I heard some rustling of papers before she finished, "Yea, I just checked, those are the times, thank you, I don't think I'll be able to get out of work that early and you know your dad, he'll be there until mid-afternoon or later."

"Alright well I'll see you later then," we both bid our goodbyes before hanging up. I relayed the information back to Oliver who was halfway through his plate of pasta. He took a break and sipped on his ginger ale, swallowing before nodding his head. I looked at the time and we still had a half an hour until we had to pick up Kailee.

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