Chapter 20

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A/N What Baxton and Jackson wore to prom (credit goes to my friend)

*Jax's POV*

Prom was still in full swing as I casually sipped on my smoothie I had gotten earlier. I was still deep in thought about what Oliver and my parents were doing and basically sulking while I was here. Prom was supposed to be fun and here I am, sitting alone. Just suck it up man there's always next year, enjoy it now.

I felt a presence in the seat next to me. It pulled me out of my thoughts enough to look over to the person sitting next to me drinking a coconut smoothie. I looked at him confusion etched on my face.


"Shouldn't you be over thee with Baxton or that kid you were all over?" I asked in a harsh tone due to the thoughts earlier.

"Baxton's with Olivia and Riley is dancing. I don't dance." He responded then took another sip of his smoothie. His last sentence reminded me of the baseball scene from the second High School Musical. My amusement died when Jackson continued with an emotionless stare, "Though why do you sound pissed at me? I didn't do anything to you."

I didn't tell him the real reason; he would laugh so I chose the only thing I could think of: "You fought Oliver and left your whole family for years on end. I have a right to be pissed at you because Oliver is my best friend and seeing him hurt is what I hate the most," I hissed angrily, I don't know why I was so angry all of a sudden, I should not be left my thoughts again if this is how I treat people I don't even know.

"You don't understand me. I didn't just fucking abandon them because I wanted to. Understand that in your fucking brain huh? Last time I checked there was two sides to learn before siding, you ass," he hissed back at me then got up leaving me alone again. Nice one, Jax, you deserved that, I thought to myself.

I was silent for the remaining time of Prom. I could feel the gazes of Olivia and Baxton once and a while but I didn't pay attention to them.

That was so low of me to even bring that up, he didn't deserve more people hating him; he probably has enough of that already. I need to find a way to apologize and soon because I'm not one to hold grudges as long as I get an explanation from that person then it will be all good.

The DJ announced the senior Prom King and Prom Queen, I knew Casey was nominated and I didn't exactly know why since she was still a junior like me so she didn't win. The DJ put on a slow song for the King and Queen so they could have their dance then said there would be a couple more songs left to wrap up the dance.

I don't even know why I bothered coming this year; all I did was sit here. Well actually a couple of times I was practically dragged to the dance floor by Casey and her friends and had me dance with them.

Prom was finally over, I tried to have a good time, but the conversation with Jackson kept nagging me and it only got worse. I had to find him and explain.

I met a few of the people that went in the limo with us while we waited for everyone else. Once we were all loaded we drove away and dropped the people off to their houses including Casey then went back to the gang house. We all piled out after one another and went into the house together, me being the last to enter as I shut the door behind me. I heard little footsteps running in the direction of us.

Max and Kailee came running around one of the corners with Oliver walking behind them. Max went over to Olivia and smiled up at her. "Livy you back, you back!" I chuckled at his sentence.

Olivia crouched down in front of him again and gave him a warm smile, "Is that my new nickname?"

"Yea! Ollie two is too weird," he replied nodding his head vigorously while his two sounded more like 'twoo.'

I went around my brother and Olivia and tapped Jackson on the shoulder. He looked down at me and his gaze hardened, as if it weren't hard to begin with, but I wouldn't know how he looks since I don't know him that well, I can't continue to judge him so I took a deep breath, "Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked hoping he would say yes so this weight can be lifted from my chest. I nodded my head towards the hallway so it could be a little more private.

He nodded and followed me until I was far enough away from everyone else. His face held no emotion so I couldn't really tell what he was thinking so I just came out and said what I needed, "Look, I apologize for what I said earlier because you're right, I don't understand you, a-and I judged you before I could even get to know you. I'm usually not like that. I was just thinking about some stuff that put a damper on my mood and I basically lashed out at you when I shouldn't have. So I'm sorry and I hope that I can be forgiven and if not it is fine I deserve it anyway." Every once and a while he would nod, I made sure to try and look him in the eye so he could tell I was serious.

He nodded again when I was finished, "Okay," and he walked away; I was suddenly so confused and stood their dumbfounded. I didn't know what that meant so I continued to stand in the hallway probably looking really weird.

Baxton came over and slammed her hand on the wall next to my head causing me to jump and snap my head up from looking at the ground and looking at her wide-eyed.

"To ease your confusion, he basically accepts your apology, that's his way of accepting it at least. Kind of a dick move but it's whatever," she shrugged and walked away, where I have no idea.

I shook my head and head back to find my sister and brother so they aren't running around disturbing the people left in the gang house. A heavy arm landed on my shoulders making me almost stagger. I looked up at the culprit to find Oliver nonchalantly looking ahead. I shrugged mentally and kept walking looking left and right for the little devils.

"Hey where are Kailee and Max?" I said looking up at Oliver.

"I think they're with Olivia, that's where I saw them last." He said with a shrug.

I nodded a couple of times, "Alright well I'm going to get changed out of this penguin suit and shower, I'll be back," I said slipping out of his hold and walking back to the room I was in when I stayed here. I could feel Oliver's gaze following me but when I turned the corner it stopped. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding; relieved for the corner.

Once in the room I stripped down to my boxers and grabbed a towel then headed to the bathroom that was just across the hall, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt on my way out. I adjusted the temperature in the shower so it was warm enough; stripping of my boxers then stepped in the warm shower. I began to overthink again.

I kept thinking about that damn almost kiss. Casey kind of saved us both from having to face the awkwardness of the aftermath of that. Half of me was grateful she yelled for us when she did, but the other half of me wanted to just jump his bones. Ugh this is so confusing, I was probably the one leaning in. I need to get it together and hide these emotions to prevent from awkwardness between the two of us.

I shut the water off and stepped out wrapping the towel around my waist. I began drying myself off and slipped on the clean clothes I had brought with me. I rubbed my hair with the towel so it wasn't dripping that much and gathered my boxers heading out the bathroom door.

I must have been in my thoughts again because I collided with a wall making me fall on my butt. I groaned when the hard floor made itself know with my butt. I saw a pair of shoes instead of the bottom of the wall. Oh.

The wall was a person.

The wall was Oliver.

He looked down at me then extended his hand for me to take. I took it hesitantly and I must not have paid attention for I was pulled up so quickly made contact with his chest. My other hand immediately went to his chest trying to brace myself from slamming my face.

I tried to take steady breaths from the rush I just had but being this close to Oliver was not good.

Especially if he was trying to do the same thing.

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