Chapter 23

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*Oliver's POV*

While most of the members were recovering from the training I was in Mickael's office with Simba, Olivia and Kingston. Mickael called us in here for a quick briefing on what's been going on. I figured Kingston or Simba will tell Jackson what went down. Kingston said he was walking the dogs to the training today so he would be here later.

"Alright, well the Syndicate have made their first move," Mickael started. The tension in the room seemed to grow based on those few words. Silence surrounded us for a few minutes until Simba broke it when he spoke.

"The Syndicate gave us a warning the other day before training stating we should stop messing with their deals and businesses. Considering they have no proof or facts directing us to their deals going down we chose to ignore it."

"Is that it?" Olivia asked raising an eyebrow, looking a lot like our dad. Mickael nodded stiffly making it seem like there was more to this so called warning. I shrugged it off knowing the Syndicate would probably send another warning before getting serious. We all left the office probably wondering the same thing. Something didn't feel right about this at all. The Syndicate may not be one for their word but something does not feel right.

Training was about to begin and there was still no sign of Jackson. We have yet to change partners so I was still in the group with Jax and Epiales. Mickael and Simba wanted me to teach Jax a few more things before changing.

Simba and I were walking side by side heading to the living room when we heard scratching and barking at the front door before it opened. Jackson's dog, Ace ran up to Simba and started tugging on his pant leg from when we stopped to look at the door. That's when I noticed his paws and muzzle were covered in blood. Ace kept tugging and growling at Simba trying to get him to move.

The sense of dread filled my gut when I also realized Jackson was not with him, at all. I knew right then and there Jackson was in danger, the feeling was all too familiar from previous years of childhood and after we escaped out step-father. This was not good, not good at all.

"Simba get Jax in hear and take him to medical, get whatever you may need. Jackson is in danger," I ordered not even caring he was above me. He nodded, his eyes darkening in anger and turned around to find Jax. He was already standing in the doorway leading to the living room looking wide-eyed at Ace. Simba snapped his fingers in front of his face, "Let's go," he said seriously.

"Come on Ace, let's go find Jackson," I said to Ace. I walked out to my car with Ace hot on my heels. Ace is trained in many things so he knows what to do. I opened the passenger door for him so he could jump in and closed it after he was seated. I jogged over to the other side and stuck the key in the ignition. I reversed and quickly put it in gear and sped away.

I looked at Ace occasionally and he would bark and turn his head in the direction I need to go. Sometimes he would tap his paw on the dashboard the number of times for the direction he wanted; yes the dog knew Morse code. The feeling of dread only grew as we approached our destination.

I quickly found myself in front of an alleyway. Ace started getting really restless by barking and clawing at the door to get out. If this were another situation I would have been mad but I am not focused on that. I put the car in park not even bothering to shut it off and got out and waited for Ace to jump to my side. I kept the door open and followed Ace.

The sight that greeted me almost sent me to my knees. Jackson was covered in blood and his face was bruised. His cat, Calypso, also a very smart animal, was meowing and nudging his head for him to stay conscious. Jackson's other dog, Booger was guarding him and once he saw me he barked. You could tell by the meowing and barking, these animals weren't trying to get attention from their owner that was too busy, they were literally sad and crying for their owner to stay alive. Jackson was softly reassuring his pets trying to stay awake but he was losing too much blood, fuck. He would try to reach out to pet his cat and dogs but his arms only fell limply to his sides.

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