YO guys! Please comment (the passages too pls) I love u thanks 4 reading!
So. I have no idea how, but Luke found out that I am friends with Brooklyn Beck the Ham.
"Tell him to come over! I want to meet him!", Luke basically squealed like a fangirl.
"There's a dinner party at their house. He won't come.", I told him.
"Then tell him to act like he's ill or something. HE HAS TO COME OVER!"
"Oh my god, you sound like a 13 year old."
So I texted Brooklyn. And as expected he said, he doesn't think that his mom will let him.
But ultimately he said that he'll sneak out.
"Is he coming?", Luke asked. "Yeah.", I answered.
Meanwhile Gabi went upstairs and locked her door. "What a nanny-goat.", Luke laughed.
I started laughing immediately, too. "I haven't heard the word 'nanny-got' for years!" I was crying because I laughed so hard.
"Well, if Brooklyn's coming over, I better go and change.", Luke stood up and went upstairs.
"And I thought you had to wait for a full moon.", I laughed.
"Shut up Tamara!", he shouted but I could 'hear' his smile.
A couple of minutes later Luke came back down dying of laughter, shirtless.
"What's wrong with you?", I grinned.
"Gabriella is singing again." he could barely talk. Or breathe.
Everytime Gabriella is sad she starts singing random sad karaoke songs. I immediately ran up to her room to hear her singing some Sam Smith stuff.
Did I mention that Gabriella doesn't sound like Gabriella from High School Musical at all? No? Well now I do. She sounds like a dying, old, birth giving cat. That was shot a couple of times.
I knocked on her door. "Can you please shut up?" she was still singing. "Do you want to hear it in french? Ta gueule!"
"Seriously now stop singing we've got some boy coming over!"
She opened her door. "Did you call my boyfriend? Wow you are the best sister ever!", she hugged me but I pushed her away.
"No what the hell. Brooklyn's coming be-" "BROOKLYYYNNNN!!!", Luke screamed from I don't even know where.
"Brooklyn Beckham?", she asked.
"Yeah." "Oh I saw him when he-" "Yes you saw him. The whole world saw him. You're not special." I closed her door and went downstairs to clean up our mess a bit.

Glass Girl ||Brooklyn Beckham
Teen Fiction„Sorry to tell you Ms. Glass Girl, I know who you are.” I grinned and pulled of her mask. ..................................................................................... The first party was three years ago. Three years ago, he first met her. B...