ch 23

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I was so excited I had do update today. So the next chapter's coming on sunday, maybe tomorrow idrk yet. 

Love u


I knew that it's her. Tamara is Glass Girl. I saw her talking to Amanda, she whispered something in her ear, then Amanda looked shocked.

It's her. I knew, that I could only have feelings for Glass Girl and I do have feelings for Tamara. 

She's the one. Okay,it's stupid to say that when you're 16. 

I can't wait to dance with her tomorrow.


When I came home, I told my sister everything. First she was basically rolling on the floor laughing but when she realized that I was totally serious with how Brooklyn thought he was totally in love with that girl.

"But honestly, how stupid is he? He is not really in love with her, he's in love with the idea of being in love with her, don't worry.", she said, patting my head.

"It's 'You don't love me, you love the idea of'-wait. What do you mean, 'don't worry'?", I was very confused.

"I am not stupid, Tammy. I see that you like him, your really like him."

"I do-"

"Don't even try to deny it. When I look at you, I see me when I was in love for the first time. It's like looking in the mirror.", she laughed and I had to laugh too. 

"Hey I saw your dress, do you want to swap dresses?", she asked me. 

"Nah, I'm good." 


*the evening of the ball*


I am so excited. Extremely.

I have never been so excited before.

I am sweating like a pig. A pregnant pig. On a hot summer day. In Hawaii.

"Kids, are you ready?", Mom asked us. All of us nodded.

"Okay, then let's go!", she seemed happy. I love seeing my mom happy. People usually don't see her like that, she's got her resting b face on.

I put off my jacket because I was sweating so hard.

At the end of the day I'll write a book called 'People who deaded bc they drowned in Brooklyn's sweat', by Brooklyn Beckham. (A/N: I think I know what my new fanfiction is going to be about.)

We entered the big hall and all eyes were on us. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Beckham's." 

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