Chapter 1

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Ch. 1


"Hey, are done with your client already?"I asked Daniel one of my co-workers.

Daniel was one of the trainers that work with me, he was older than me. I just turned 21 yesterday and my boys are taking me out tonight. Daniel is 37 years old cool dude...........I ask if he wanted to hang with us tonight, but he said no.

"Yea he just left," Daniel said while writing in his paperwork.

"You sure you don't want to go out with us tonight?"

"Nah I'm good is just not my if you were going to a sports bar then yea sure why not......but I'm good man, go have some fun and I will see you in 2 days,"

He turned around and left I still had another 30 mins before I get to leave.

I just need to fill out some paperwork. I'm a trainer at a gym and this year I will be graduating from college with my master in Athletic Trainer.

I was finally done and now it's time to go home get ready for some fun.


"Man it's pack tonight and so many females looking hot," Mike shouted loud.

Mike is one of my buddies I hang out with........we were still waiting on Paul, James and Brandon.

"Hey Adrian the guys are here," he pointed as they were walking towards us.

"Sup guys," they all gave me a bro hug.

"Let get this party started......come on I got us the VIP guys," we follow Brandon to the VIP.

We all sat up on top in the VIP and man we got a view of the whole club. The guys invited some girls as well, there were only 5 of us and we had like 15 girls up here grinding on all of us my shit was getting hard against their asses.

James shook up a bottle of Champagne and sprayed the girls with it and they loved it.

I was standing by the rail looking down at the people dancing; this one girl came up to me. Looking into my eyes not saying one word all she did was turned around and put her ass on my crotch and started grinding me with her ass.

She was drunk and you can tell she wanted me to fuck her because she kept lifting her dress up slowly. I had a grin on my face and shaking my head at the same time. Not going to disappoint her I was going to move towards the back of the VIP and fuck her when I look back down at the dance floor she caught my eye.



I can't believe I agree to come here, I just wanted to stay home and play my video games or get on my Facebook and chat with some online friends.

I can see the girls were waiting on me, they were a few years younger than me. I will be 34 next month and I hate it......why because I have no boyfriend nor husband and no kids. Which is a good thing every guy you find out here they already have kids. I don't have a problem with that but then you have to deal with baby mamas as well.

I don't have kids, during my college years I had a boyfriend and I really thought we were going to end up getting married and have kids. Towards the end of college, I found out he been cheating on me since we first met and that was 3 years before that. So we were together almost 4 years, good thing I went home early from work that is when I caught him.

After he broke my heart and I left him. I ended up getting depress for a couple of years and gained so much weight, so I finally got fed up I started going to the gym and it took me so long to lose all my weight, but I did it.

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