Chapter 19

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Ch. 19


I'm sitting on my bed wondering what's wrong with Adrian. He shouldn't think that I have feelings for this guy because I don't, even when he touches me I feel disgusted. I wish he would just leave me alone and stay out of my life. I felt bad for his woman, you can see it in her face she was hurt and angry.

The door opens and Adrian walks in.

"Hey," I said right away.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked looking worried.

"I'm, okay, just tired of all this bullshit, first Lucas and now Gabriel. It's like we can't get away from anything. Everywhere we go trouble is there waiting for me," I took a deep breath.

"No baby, this is not your fault. These guys are just stupid," he sat next to me holding my hand.

"I know, but it just feels like it's my fault. Now are you okay, I notice you were mad after we left the store and where did you go?" I asked.

"Yea, about that I'm sorry. I was just really upset how Gabriel thinks he can do what he wants with you. He's a dick, sorry baby. Then I went to go talk to your brother real quick," he was rubbing that back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, for what?" I asked as I got up from the bed to get my phone off the charger.

"Um, you know, just guy stuff," he sounded nervous.

"You went over to talk to Juan about Gabriel, and you told him what he did," I look at him and he was more nervous.

"Well, yeah, only because I don't know Gabriel very well like your brother does, but he assure me that I have nothing to worry about that asshole," he got up walking towards me. "I'm sorry for acting like a jealous boyfriend, but he had no right putting his hands on you. It killed me seeing him doing that to you," he engulfs me into a hug like he couldn't breathe without me.

I wrap my arms around him, "I understand." Adrian phone started to ring.

Adrian looks at his phone, "it's Brandon," He tells me. "Brandon, what's going on?" Adrian asked.

I went and sat on the bed as Adrian was talking to Brandon.



"Shit! Daniel called me a couple of days ago telling me the same thing. Nah, I already have her number, thanks," I push the end on my call.

"What's wrong Adrian?" Monica had a concerned look on her face.

"I don't know, there this blond girl asking for me at my job and now at my old apartment. She is in tears and it's really important that she talks to me," I look at Monica face and she looks uncomfortable about this. "She left her number with Brandon to give to me, but Daniel from work called me a couple of days ago said the same thing, so I had him text me the number. I completely forgot because right now my focus is on you and our baby," I sat next to her holding her hand.

"Adrian, just call her and get it over with," Monica said demanding.

I look for the number through the text and called her.

I put it on speaker, "Hello?" she answered.

"This is Adrian, why are you going to my job and home asking to speak to me?" I said it with an attitude.

"Look I'm sorry that I've bothered you, my name is Lisa if you even care," she said with attitude herself. "I met you at the club and then your friends took the party back to your place about a month ago. If that doesn't click, we woke up in bed together in your room when I heard you screamed for that girl Monica when she left your place," I look at Monica and she got up walking towards her window giving me her back.

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