Chapter 24

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Ch. 24


"Monica?" She started to get tears eyes.

"Hey, Rose," I gave her a small smile.

She steps towards me engulfing me into a tight hug, she then pulls back a little looking at all of us, "Please, come in guys," she gave everyone a hug.

We all walk into the living room, "Bella, Adela just made some cookies," Rose smiled at Bella. "Mommy, can I have cookies plleeeassssseeeeeeee." We all laugh. "Come on Bell, I want some of Adela cookies too," Paul grabs Bella hand and they both went into the kitchen.

Rose walks over to and sat next to me grabbing my hand looking at me.

"I'm so happy to see you and hopefully back home for good," Rose wipes her tear away.

"I'm happy to see you too, and I need to speak to Adrian is he home?" I gave her a small smile.

"No, they won't be home for another few hours. They are at a business meeting, so are you home for good," Rose sounded nervous asking me again.

"I....I don't know Rose. I don't know where all of this stands between Adrian and me. I just really need to speak to him when he gets home," I squeezed her hand.

"Well, relax and make yourself at home. I'm going to help Adela with dinner. You girls want to come and help?" she stood up asking us.

"My legs are sore from the ride. You don't mind if I can go work out in you basement gym?" I asked.

"No, sweetie, go right ahead," she let go of my hand. "I'll go help with the cooking," Mari started walking towards the kitchen.



"Don't tell Adrian I'm here, I......I kind of want to surprise him," I gave her a small smile.

"Sure sweetie, no problem," Rose gave me a hug and then turned walking towards the kitchen.


I ran and ran my legs were sore, but I didn't care I wanted to feel the pain. My therapist, well the one I was seeing back home at my parent's house said to me that exercising would be good for me. Which it is, but sometimes when I'm running my mind wanders back to what Lucas did to me then I start running out of control and that is what I did now. I haven't shared this with my therapist," I slow the treadmill down.

I get off the treadmill and lay on the floor flat on my back. I can feel my legs throbbing; now I have to lay here for about 30 minutes. If I get up now, I'll just end up falling down. It already happened to me a couple of times before.

"I see you ran for your life again," my sister walks in with her arms cross over her chest.

I look up and see she is standing over me, "I don't want to hear about it, okay, Mari!" I snap at her. She has been getting at me about this. Mari is always going to the gym with me or comes and checks up on me in the garage when I'm running the treadmill.

"Come on I'll help you up to our room so that you can shower and relax," Mari bends down to help me up.

"You okay?" Rose walks out of the kitchen asking me.

"Yea, just a little sore. I'm going to bathe and then I'll be right back down," I said to her giving her a small smile.

We were already upstairs, "I hope after today you will stop with this crazy run." Mari looks at me sadly.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now