Chapter 15

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Ch. 15


This was like a 10 to 15-minute drive......depending how fast we were going. Paul was going carefully over the bumps and Bella was excited because she was driving. Every time we hit a bump Bella would ask me if I was okay. Love this girl so much, when we were both playing video game awhile back she asked if I was going to marry her tia and I told her I was one day, then she ask if she can call me tio and I said yes. I'm not going to let her down or Monica......this woman means the world to me.

We pulled up to my parent's lake it was big, "oh my gosh it is beautiful here." Monica was stunned by the view.

"TIO! TIO! I want to get on that boat......plllleeeeaasssseee," Bella yelled.

"If your mom says it's okay then yes we can get on and go for a ride," I kissed her cheek.

She jumps off the cart running towards Paul and Mari, "come on baby." I grab her hand and help her out.

My cell phone started to ring. I pulled out and it's my dad calling, "hey dad what's going on?"

"They are on their way to arrest him and that video Mari recorded on her phone is going to help out a lot. Anyways I just wanted to let you know what is going on. Call you guys later," my father said in a low voice.

"Okay dad, thanks for letting us know," I hung the phone up.

I look at Monica, "they are on their way to arrest him now. My dad wanted us to know what's going on."

She was quiet for a second, then hugs me tightly, "don't worry baby no one is going to hurt you ever again."

She nodded while still hugging me. Her face inside of my neck and then she says, "thanks for helping me." She whispers in my neck. I felt the shivers go down my spine and I love how my body reacts to hers. That is why I know that she was made especially for me.

"Baby no more thanking me, now give me a kiss and let's take this girl on her first boat ride," she kisses me passionately.

"Damn baby you keep kissing me like that were both going back to the house and finish  up this with us naked in our bed," I said while nibbling her ear.

"You are nasty," she slaps my arm and we both laugh.

"COME ON TIA.......TIO!" Bella shouted at us.

We climb into the boat and Paul sat in the back controlling the engine to stir the boat. Mari sat next to Paul and Bella sat in front of them with her life jacket on. Monica and I sat in the front of the boat. The morning air is so fresh and crisp, it was a perfect day for a boat ride. Bella had this goofy smile on her face and you can't help it but love that face.


We were heading back to the house it was 2 pm and Bella was asleep in Monica's arms. My father hasn't called since this morning. When we got back to the house I saw my parents car was back and I had a bad feeling.

We all walk into the house and my parents were there sitting in the living room waiting on us.

"Mom, Dad....what's going on?" I asked them.

"Well, we wanted to come home and tell you what happen," my father said in a tone that didn't sound like good news.

"So what happen?" Monica asked looking worried.

"They arrested him and we questioned him for a bit. His lawyer showed up right away and posted bail for him, so he is out right now until we have court," my father said looking at Monica.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now