Chapter 20

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Ch. 20


I was pacing back and forth in the front yard just thinking of Monica. Man, I hope she doesn't leave me. I really fuck up and I have to make things right. I don't want to lose this woman I love her too damn much. I don't care how much she tries to push me away, I'm not going anywhere.

I heard cars turning from the corner I saw Monica and Juan driving up. Juan walks passing me patting me on my shoulder with a small smile. Then I saw Monica face, it hurt me that I hurt her. I can tell she has been crying a lot.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Hey, you okay," I try to grab her hand and she back away.

"Umm, yeah I'm good. We can talk about this later, let's go to the backyard with the family," she walks around me going towards the back.

I felt like I've been stabbed in the heart, but I deserved that. She didn't need this now, with the bullshit of Lucas and Gabriel, now me. I took a deep breath and follow her to the back, she end up sitting back with Mari and Paul. I went and sat next to her feeling weird, this shit is driving me insane.

We sat there for about an hour, "I'll be right back going to talk with my Tias and my mom." She got up and not giving me a second look. Fuck this its killing me on the inside. "Give it time Adrian, she is just thinking how to handle all this," Mari giving me a small smile.

My phone starts ringing I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was my dad. "I have to take this call, guys," I look at Mari and Paul, then I look towards Monica and she is just staring at me. I gave her a small smile and walk towards the front yard.

"Hey, dad, what's going on?" I asked like nothing was going on.

"Hey, son, just checking if you all made it?" he responded.

"We did, Monica family welcomed us with open arms. She has a great family," I smiled over the phone, they really are.

"Son?" his voice changed.

"Yeah?" sounds like more bad news.

"Well, we don't know where Lucas at. The guy that we had followed him said he lost him. He followed him to his job and he never came back out. That is when he went asking for him and they said he left a long time ago," yup bad news.

"Shit! I don't even know if I should tell Monica. I don't want to stress her out," I started to pace the front yard again.

"Don't worry son, we will find him," my dad sounded nervous.

"Dad, is mom there with you?" I asked.

"Yes, she is right here," he responded quickly.

"Put me on speaker," I demanded.

"Okay, son, go ahead," my father said.

"There is something that you should know......" I explain to my parent's about this girl Lisa and how she claims that this baby she is pregnant with is mine.

"Oh my, Adrian, things just keep stacking up on the both of you," my mother said over the phone.

"I know and I don't know how much more Monica can take this. As it is right now she is not really talking to me," I said sadly.

"Son, if you want this to work out with Monica, don't give up. She will come around, this is too much for her, just give her some space and she will come around," my father being positive as always.

"I know dad, but I can also tell that she feels like she is being used," I started shaking my head.

"Adrian, I will look into this girl Lisa. What is her last name?" my mom asked.

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