Chapter 18

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Ch. 18


All of my family is here and they all love Adrian and Paul, they also keep asking what happen to him and why is he hurt. Stories were already flowing around that he was defending me because of a man that won't leave me alone. By the time my family leaves tonight, they will know everything.

I am sitting with my cousins and Mari. Paul is pushing Bella on the swing telling him to go faster, and then we heard, "Daddy!" Bella screams jumping off the swing running towards Marcos.

"Daddy! You finally home," she is holding him tight.

"My baby.......yes I'm home," Marcos holding her tight.

"I miss you, daddy," Bella pouted.

"I miss you too sweetie," Marcos kisses her cheeks.

Mari is standing next to Marcos and Paul is standing behind Mari.

"Welcome home Marcos," she gives him a hug.

"Thanks, Mari," he hugs her back and kisses her cheek.

"Marcos I want to introduce you to Paul, he is my boyfriend. Paul this wonderful guy here is Bella dad Marcos," they both said hi and shook each other hand.

"Daddy I got a new Tio!" Bella yelled excited.

"You do? And where is this new Tio?" Marcos asked.

"Over there with grandpa and Tio Juan," she pointed to Adrian. "And Tia going to have baby cousin for me. Momma said baby not ready in her tummy, so it's going to be a long time before I can play with my cousin," I was laughing because the look on Marcos face and how cute Bella sound when she told Marcos all that.

"What the heck always call me and tell me things right away, but now I have to wait till the last minute to find all this out," Marcos fake pouted looking at Mari and we all started laughing.

"Come on daddy I want to show you the stuff that my Tio and Tia got for me," Bella climb down tugging on her daddy hand to go upstairs to her room.

"When I get back you all are telling me everything and congrats Monica," Marcos looks at us and then smiles at me.

As they were walking into the house Marcos told Bella, "Hold on baby." He walks back to Mari and gives her an envelope, then walks back to Bella. We all knew what that is. His job requires for him to travel, he works for some senator. Marcos is all into that politics stuff and makes good money. That is what he handed to Mari money for Bella. Every two weeks he gives Mari money; they never fight about how he should support her or be there for Bella. She doesn't have to go through all that with him. They work all this on their own, he is a great father and the family loves him.

"Wow, he took it pretty well?" Paul questioned it.

"I told you, Marcos and I were always meant to be as friends. He has always been there for me when I was bully by these groups of guys and girls in high school. Anyways, I told you it was one drunken night that we end up sleeping together and we both admit it was a mistake, so we vow to never get drunk with each other. Then I found out I was pregnant, he said that he will always be there for our child," Mari smiles at Paul.

"That's great, usually, there is fighting between the parent's for child support or custody. I know this because I did a paper on it a few years ago and my parents did that to me. They constantly argue back and forth, so I spent most of my time hanging out at Adrian house growing up," he looks over at Adrian shaking his head in a like he was thanking him.

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