Chapter 14

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Ch. 14


"It's Juan," my sister was looking at her phone.

"Hey Juan.....what's going on?" my sister asked.

"I've been trying to call Monica, but no answer. The reason I've been calling is because her nephews and nieces been wondering why she hasn't been online to play video games with her," he sounded worried.

"Juan been calling you," my sister looks at me.

"Put him on speaker," I said to her.

"Hola hermano," I said to him.

"What's wrong you sound different?" my brother sounds worried.

"I'm okay.......just been busy with work and all," I tried to sound normal.

"You don't sound okay.........and I can tell that you are lying to me, so tell me what's wrong and it better not be that asshole that was calling you when you were here," he started to sound mad.

Now I was nervous, "look, Juan, I will tell you everything when we go over this weekend. Things are good with Adrian and me. We work things out and I bringing him this weekend to meet mom and dad. Look there is a lot that you don't know, so don't judge him......I....I love him, Juan," I said it more quietly.

"Look Hermana, I just don't want you to get hurt like that asshole that lives here. I'm looking out for you and even though you live so damn far away I still have to protect you. I will be nice to him, but I will talk to him when we meet," he sounds like a father.

"I know and thanks, but don't let mom and dad know I'm bringing him," I had a small smile.

"Oh and I'm also bringing someone too. I know I just met the guy the first day I got here, but I like him a lot and so does Bella. I'm also going to introduce him to mom and dad," Mari said to my brother.

"Great......just great now I gotta talk to 2 assholes......shit," my brother was mad and irritated over the phone.

"Damn we are just his sister imagine when our niece becomes a teenager," Mari said laughing.

"Shut up Mari! I gotta go..............see you guys this weekend," my brother hung up the phone.

We were both laughing, "Mommy I'm sleepy," my niece came up to us.

"Come on baby let's lie down in tio bed and take a nap," my sister pick Bella up and we all lay down.



I can't wait for this shit to be over with.........if it wasn't for his stupid ass friends I would have pounded on his face. Then he did this in front of Monica, Mari and Bella.......this put so much stress on Monica and our baby, then poor little Bella," I was breathing hard because we were walking up the stairs slowly to get the girls, but thinking about this was upsetting me so I need to let this go for now.

"I hate this guy he has no respect and your right my poor little Bella. She kept asking Mari question about what happen and she explains the best she can to her," Paul said angrily.

"Let's get the girls so that we all can go to bed and hopefully by tomorrow they will arrest him," I stop in front of my bedroom door.

I open the door and it was quiet and the lights were off. I turned the knob slowly so that the lights wouldn't be so bright and there they were all asleep in my bed.

I went over to where Monica was laying in bed and I kissed her lips softly. She opens her eyes slowly then she smiles and closes her eyes back up.

"Sleep baby I will be in the room next door," I kissed her forehead this time.

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