Chapter 11

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Ch. 11


We were saying bye to my aunt and uncle as we were driving off. We decided to head out to the beach and spend the whole day there. My sister was driving I still had lots on my mind. The beach was like an hour away and then I really didn't feel all too well when I got up this morning. Last night I took a long bath and I also had music playing only because I didn't want my family to know that I was crying.

I let my guards down and Lucas took advantage of me, no scratch that he raped me. Should I press charges on him, then I have to go through court and deal with a lawyer. This is so overwhelming and I'm pregnant with Adrian baby........oh god help me......what should I do.

How am I going to tell Adrian and what if he wants to get back together because of the baby? I don't want that I want us to get back together because we both want to, not because of the baby. I would never hold the baby against him, but then what if he is not even ready to be a father, now I would have to raise our child alone. My mind is going crazy and I'm starting to get a headache by over thinking.

"MONICA!" My sister yelled at me. "Sorry didn't mean to zone out," I pat her hand. "You need to quit doing that and stressing out is not a good thing for the baby," my sister was focusing on the traffic.

My sister phone starts ringing and it says Paul is calling, "Paul as in Adrian friend Paul?" I said in disbelief. "Um.....yea since we met and well we been talking since then," her cheeks were turning pinkish and she didn't answer her phone.

"Paul is a dog you know that.......well they all are and they are young. You see the problem I'm going through with Adrian," I gave her a worried look.

"Look Monica........Paul already told me all that and he is really interested in me. He told me how of a dog he was and since we've been talking he hasn't seen another girl but me.  I like him Monica and just because you are not comfortable with the age difference between you and Adrian.......doesn't mean that I am," she smirks at me.

"Fine.......just be careful," I told her rolling my eyes.

We finally arrived at the beach my niece was jumping in her booster seat telling her mommy to hurry up. I laugh at the both of them then I started to think of my baby. I can't let my baby down with or without daddy my child is going to need me.

We all got out of the car and my niece Bella took off running towards the ocean. There goes my sister running after her I was laughing out loud.

"Hey," he stood behind me I just froze, I closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath and turned around, "hey what are you doing here?" I could barely look at him. "Mari invited Paul," he pointed towards my sister, "and Paul invited me to come along."

"Oh," I turned back around and started to get our things out of the car. "Here let me help you," he grabs the bag out of my hand.

"No that's fine I got them," I grab for the bags.

"Please Monica let me help," his hand brushes up against mine.

I let go of the bags and back up away from the trunk of the car. My niece was laughing so hard I look towards her, my sister and Paul. Paul was spinning her around.......he is a nice person I stood there smiling.

"Monica we need to talk.....the other day when Lucas was there what happen between you it true.....that you know had sex with him?" Adrian said it with sadness.

I couldn't even look at him I was ashamed and stupid for ever trusting that asshole. "Monica" he grabs my face gently making me look at him. I was trying so hard to hold back my tears and I couldn't anymore. He drops the bags on the ground and wraps his arms around me holding me as I cried to him.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now