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Today was the day, which we are getting married. My family is here and Adrian family as well, although my parents and Juan family have been here for 2 days and tomorrow they are leaving to go back home. Adrian rented an RV for my family so that my parents can travel comfortable and they loved it.

Juan and my sister in law are doing much better now. Adrian was right, after showing my brother that I'm okay and doing a lot better even after we lost our son. It still hurts sometimes, but my dreams make it better because that is when I get to hold him.

There was a knock, "Come in." I said excitedly.

"Wow, mija you look so beautiful," my dad smiled big.

"Thanks, dad," I kissed his cheek.

"You ready?" my dad asked.

"Yeah," I was going to put my arm through my father, when all of sudden I covered my mouth and ran into the bathroom.

"You okay mija?" my dad sounded worried.

"Yea, I'm okay. My nerves are just getting to me and made my stomach upset," I heard the door open and Mari yelling for me.

"Monica, it's time.......what's taking so long?"

"Mija, something is wrong," my dad was telling her.

The door burst open and Mari standing there, "Monica, you okay?" she asked again.

"Yea, been nervous about this wedding and made my stomach upset right now. Going to brush my teeth and then mouth wash it after that. Can you get me a cup of ginger ale, please," I flush the toilet. "And could you let them know I'll be right out in a few minutes," I yelled out.

I was standing with my dad ready to go after I drank the ginger ale I felt a lot better.

My wedding dress was simple (look at the pic) I had my hair down and little specks of diamonds in my hair in different spots and of course, my veil. I'm so freakin nervous and it's not because I'm marrying Adrian. I just hate to be the certain of attention, as soon as I turn the corner I spotted Adrian right away. He looks so handsome in his tux....I'm so lucky. He is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. Here I complain and was trippin about our age difference. He had great parents that raised him to be a good man. Yes, he was a player, well I think he was, but when it came to his responsibilities, he handled it like how a man should.

And I can't put all the blame on him what has happened to us. I was being stupid and immature myself. I was so stupid to accept Lucas invitation. I should of handle it differently and none of this bullshit would of happen with Lucas.

Shit! Stop thinking about it, you are marrying the man of your dreams......focus. I told myself, "Who gives this Bride?" the preacher asked.

"I do," my father responded, giving me a kiss on my left cheek and gave my hand to Adrian. "Take care of her," my father said to Adrian.

"I will," Adrian responded.

Adrian kissed my cheek and whispered to me,  "You okay?"

"I am now," I gave him a big smile.

The preacher began the ceremony Adrian and I stood there under the arch of white Roses and blue lights going through the arch. It is beautiful; Adrian parent's backyard was decorated perfect and of course filled with our families and friends.



Wow, is all I can say in my mind, she is so fuckin beautiful, god I love this woman so much and now she will be mine for the rest of my life. I am never going to do this woman wrong, nope, never. She is my life and I will never mess this up. I would die for this woman, now I'm so glad that we can move on with our lives. We have been through so much and the one that suffered the most was my Monica. No more, after today, this woman will only be smiling and full of happiness. I was concern earlier because they told me that she wasn't feeling good, that is what took her long to come out. I was worried there for a bit, thinking that she had walked out on me.

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