Chapter 5

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Ch. 5


It's Saturday and I still haven't heard or seen Monica this past week. I text her throughout the day, just to let her know I was thinking of her. I know it feels like stalking her, but it was killing me and everyone seen how it was bothering me so much. She even cancelled her work out with Daniel, can you believe that shit. That's how pissed off she is, so I decided to get her address from her file here at the gym and go to her home to beg her to forgive me.

As I was looking up for her information on the computer I came across her name then I look at the address. This can't be right.........what the hell. Shit.......all this time, she was right under my nose. Well not literally, but we were neighbors. She lives in the same apartment complex as me.......this is faith she is supposed to be with me.

I had no other appointment at work, so I left early. I pulled up to my apartments then park my car in my stall and I got out of my car then started walking towards my apartment and guess who comes walking out of the gym facility that the apartment complex offers.

Yours truly Monica.........She didn't see me so I was walking behind her and tap her shoulder. She had her music blast through her plugs in her ears.

She rolled her eyes and pulling her plugs out, "What, now you're stalking did you know where I lived. Wait did you look at the file at the gym?" I just smirk at her.

"Well hello to you I am not stalking you and yes I did get your address through the files. It's just I've missed Monica and what I did and said was wrong. I'm sorry.....please forgive me," I pouted a little.

" going to pout?" she chuckles.

"I'll do anything so that you'll forgive me. Look, Monica, I like you so much and we have fun together. You know we do," I smiled at her.

She started walking I end up following her.

"Well......don't we?" I asked again.

She unlocks the door to her apartment and walk in, so I followed.

"Look Adrian.................we do have lots of fun talking, hanging out, and texting. But can you really see us being together. What would your friends say or what would my friends say," she crossed her arms looking at me.

"Monica I already told you I don't care what people say I like you and you like me it's a chance we have to take," I gave her a determine look.

"Whatever Adrian, you just don't mind so that way you can brag to your friend and say you are hitting this," she points to herself.

"Oh come now.......I wouldn't do that. Just give me a chance, hey, you'll never know that we were meant for each other," she rolled her eyes smiling.

"Good, then how about we go out tonight movies and then dinner or dinner first then movies. You know what you choose, whatever you feel like doing," I said happily.

She bit her lip, "I can't tonight I already have a date," she look away from me.

Please don't tell me that you're going out with that guy Lucas?" I felt the jealousy in me.

"Yes," she said softly.

I just stood there angry, hurt and jealous because he was going to be with her tonight and probably try to touch her. What I did next catch her by surprise..........I took a few step and stood right in front of her face. She tries to take a few steps back, but I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Don't Adrian.........I'm sweaty," she was looking at my lips.

"I don't care....." I pressed my lips against hers and started kissing her.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now