Chapter 4

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Ch. 4


I can't stop thinking about her...........I wanted her to go home with me. Not to have sex, but just to hold her in my arms. Now if she wanted sex then I wouldn't mind giving her that too. I text her that night to make sure she made it home safe and she did.

I was on break at work waiting on my next client to come in. I was thinking of Monica so I decided to text her. We text for about an hour last night...........

"Taking a break thinking of you and wondering if I may see you after work?"


Monica – "Awe sorry I can't I already made plans with some co-works after work. Going to a sports bar and check out the Lakers game."

"Oh well that's cool maybe tomorrow, so you a Laker fan huh?"


Monica – Yup all the way baby!!!! lol and tomorrow sounds like a plan ;)

"SMH lol, alright text you later so we can make plans for tomorrow ;)


When I was done with work and school I was my apartment doing some homework, and the guys came walking in.

"Hey Adrian get dress Lakers are playing tonight and we are going to a bar to watch the game," Paul said while he fist bumps with Brandon.

"Nah guys not tonight I need to finish up this essay," I told them all.

"Ah come on man it will only be a couple of hours and you still have plenty of time to finish that when you get home," Paul pushing my chair back picking me up out of my chair.

"Fine, fine, fine but only for an hour then I'm coming back home," I was shaking my head.

I know that I  was trying to make plans with Monica, but since I couldn't see her I didn't really want to hang out.

Shit this girl got me hook already.......wait I meant to say, lady, I laugh to myself.



"You better be over there or I'm coming to your place and drag your ass out that door," Tiffany was yelling at me.

"I am girl............damn stop being so ghetto," I started laughing.

Got into my car and went home real quick to change out of my uniform.


Damn, I look cute............I was wearing my black skinning jeans and white/purple Nikes. And of course, my Lakers Jersey #24 Kobe Bryant fitting me tight not loose......gotta show off my curves. I ran out of my apartment and went back into my car and drove to the bar.

I pull up into the parking lot and park my car. Got out of my car walking towards the bar when someone was calling me name, "Monica!"

I turned around I couldn't believe it was him, "Oh hey Lucas, how are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good....and you?" he was looking at how I was dressed.

"Oh just hanging out with some friends, going to watch the Lakers play," I smiled at him.

"Sounds like fun," he was grinning at me.

"Would you like to join us?" I smirk at him.

"Sure why not.......I don't have anything else to do," he pulled the door open for me.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now