Chapter 9

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Ch. 9


He was holding me and I know that we were just talking now, but were not back together. Although it did feel good being in his arms again.......he really did miss me. I didn't wrap my arms around him, my hug was just simple and easy. He pulled back looking at me weird I'm guessing he thought that I would jump into his arms. I would of, but again were not together.

"Sorry...I....I just couldn't help it.....I really missed you," he had this sad look on his face.

"Don't worry about it I missed you too," I gave him a small smile. "Here let me help you," Adrian grabs my bags.

He got the last of my bags and set them in my bedroom while I was grabbing some beers for us. We both sat down on my couch it was kind of weird because it was silent there for a moment.

"So," He cut me off. "I want to say again that I'm very sorry. Monica, please let's work this out I want you back and I need you in my life," he pleaded.

"Oh,'s not going to work. You saw what happen......I told you that age does matter and you didn't want to believe me. You're not ready and the reason why I say that is because if you were older you wouldn't have made that stupid bet. That hurt........and just the thought that you had sex with someone else just after we dance and kiss," I shake my head.

"I know Monica and I was stupid for doing that, but you have to understand that I was happy to take that bet because that gave me the courage to go up and talk to you. Look, just give me a chance please," he grabs hold of my hands and kiss them.

I felt so bad for him and I did have strong feelings for him, but this will never work and I don't want to be heartbroken again.

I move over next to him and lean against him. I hated to see him sad; as we were just sitting there in silence sleep came easly to me because of the long drive.


I open my eyes and seen that I was in my room then I look towards the window and notice that it was dark outside. I sat up in my bed then dizziness hits me............oh wow need to get up slowly next time I thought to myself. I was breathing in and out deeply when the smell of enchiladas hit my nose with rice and beans.

What the hell did my family come and visit me.........I was so lost. Last I remember I fell asleep in Adrian's arms. I got up and walk out of my room towards the living room then turn the corner to my kitchen and seen Adrian there cooking.

"Oh my god that smells sooooooo good, what restaurant did you order the food from," I went and sat at my table excited to eat.

"Well I don't own a restaurant, but I cook it," he smiled at me. "Really? I didn't know that you can cook," I smirk at him.

"Actually, you are the first I ever told. I don't say anything in front of the guys because then they will have me cook all the time," he laughs.

"Thank you for putting me in my bed, so that I can relax better that drive was too long for me," I shake my head.

"No problem, now let's eat. I knew you would be tired from the drive, that is why I made you dinner," he smiled at me.

"Thanks, Adrian you're so sweet, but you didn't have to do that," I took a bite of the Enchiladas. Oh. My. Gosh. I moaned. "But your glad I did," Adrian chuckled and I nodded yes.

We sat there and ate dinner, having a nice conversation. It feels good being around him I heard my cell phone ring in my bedroom, "excuse me, Adrian," I got up and walk to my room.

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