Chapter 3

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Ch. 3


I drove to the gym and I can't get that jerk out of my head. I dreamt about him and why does it bother me that he had a hickey on his neck, this shit is just stupid. Okay, so he is cute and has a beautiful body, then when he's like wow so damn hot.

The thing is that he is too young he's 21 and I'm going to be 32 this year. It just feels too weird......yea I dated a couple of guys younger than me but, not by 11 years. I park my car and as I was getting out I saw Adrian walking over to me.

"Morning Monica.......umm, look I want to apologize for being rude to you last night and....." I cut him off.

"Don't apologize, and you were right I was being rude and that was wrong of me, so please forgive me," I smiled at him.

"It's cool I accept your apology," he came closer and kiss me on my cheek.

Whoaaa I thought to myself and I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"So Monica will you now accept my offer and go out with me?" he asked while grinning at me.

"Fine, one date okay get my number from the file inside the gym. Text me later and I will let you know what day I'm available," I started walking away.

I can't believe I said yes, what the hell I was thinking. I'm so stupid, this is all wrong.

I started doing my stretches had my music blasting in my ears. I'm so stupid, why did I give in so easily to him. This is so wrong after a good 20mins stretching I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I look up and seen Daniel smiling down at me.

"Ready?" Daniel asked. I just nodded yes to him.


It's been 45mins and all I kept thinking about is him why did I do that, why did I say yes to Adrian. I kept seeing him out of the corner of my eye and that jerk had this stupid grin on his face. The whole time Daniel is working me out Adrian just kept staring.

"Okay we are done but I can tell that you weren't really into your workout today. I don't mean to be nosy and all but is everything okay with you?" Daniel asked.

I didn't say anything I just stood their kind of nervous.

"Does this have to do with Adrian talking to you before you started your workout?" he raised one of his eyebrows with a smile on my face.

"So you know huh?" I said nervously.

"That he likes you, that you kept telling him no when he kept asking you out or is it when he said he kissed you and now you can't stop thinking about you since then," he chuckles telling me.

"Oh my god are you for real's he told you all that," Daniel shook his head laughing lightly.

"You said yes didn't you?" Daniel laughs at me.

"Yea, it's just so that he can stop bugging me. Sorry about the workout today. I promise Thursday will be better," I smile at him and he shaking his head smiling. I rolled my eyes turning around heading for the treadmill.



I just can't keep my eyes off of Monica, and I can tell she was just looking at me from the corner of her eyes. Why is Daniel laughing I hate that he ended up being her trainer. Am I jealous? Yea just a bit because I want to spend that time with her, we will now that I have her number I'm going to text her as soon as she is done running.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now