Chapter 8

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Ch. 8


She was quiet on the phone and I knew it was too soon, but I couldn't help it. I fell in love with her.

" okay?" I asked nervously.

"Umm,.....yea I'm here.....I.....I just don't know what to say..." she sounded nervous.

"Don't say anything I don't expect you to say it back to me and I'm okay with that. I just hope that you will one day forgive me and give us a chance again. And Monica stay safe, I still remember what you told me about your ex. Man, I miss talking to you.......I miss you in my arms. You're the only woman that completes me are the one I want and to be with. I will talk to you soon........I love you baby see ya," I hung up right away.

I know I should have waited for her to say bye, but I can still hear it in her voice that she was nervous.

"Hey you okay?" Paul looks at me weird.

I had a smile on my face, "yeah man.......I just told Monica I love her."

"So she finally answered the phone huh........that's cool man. Is she back home yet?" Paul asked.

"Nah she is actually out of town visiting her family and the only reason she answered her phone is because her of ex. He was standing right there with her.........." I was starting to feel the jealousy.

"Whoa," Paul shakes his head.

"I'm not worried about her being with me........he screwed up he cheating on her, but he was also an ass to her by treating her," I got up from the kitchen chair and went to my room.

Thinking about him just made me mad I hope that she is okay.



"You okay Mon...." My sister was standing in front of me waving her hand in my face.

"," I responded feeling clueless.

"What happened?" my sister crossed her arms.

"Adrian.....told me that he loves me," I was stuck I couldn't move I didn't know what to do.

"No, now that is an easy way to try and win you back. Oh, Monica, I love you," my sister trying to sound like a guy.

"No stupid......he doesn't sound like that and he said that he is in love with me...." I slap her arm.

"Ouch!" she rubs her arm. "Look at my sister rocking the cradle," she smirks at me.

"Shut the hell up and stop being an ass......." I was cut off by niece yelling for her mom.

"MOM!!!!" she opens the door. "Come on the movie going to finish and you said you would watch it with me...." She pouted at my sister looking cute.


It was my last day here at my parent's house my vacation was over and they decided to call all my family and barbecue, like a go away party, but I think my dad just wanted to drink with the family.........I do have a crazy family, but who doesn't. I will be on the road most of the day tomorrow and then the next day is back to work for me. I miss work, but I also miss Adrian and I still don't know if we are going to work things out.

It's been so much fun here with my family I miss them all so much. I was sitting with my sister and sister in law drinking some beers when my primo(Cousin) Gorge came up behind me, "Hey prima(Cousin) your ex just walk in." I look up and there he was smirking at me.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now