Chapter 21

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Ch. 21


I walk out of the exit by the bathrooms and I seen Monica gym bag on the floor. That means she still has the backpack on her that has her wallet, phone, and snacks. I pick up the gym bag and ran towards my car. I threw our bags into the car, and then I turn my phone on and open up the app that tracks Monica phone. She doesn't know that I put on a tracking device on her phone.

Juan and the guys pulled up, "What the fuck Adrian," Juan pushes me against my car.

Paul and Monica's dad held Juan back, "right now is not the time to fuck with me Juan," I stood face to face with him.

"Fuck you! Adrian, you are supposed to protect my sister and right under your nose he takes her. When this shit is over I'm going to fuckin beat the shit out of you," Juan face is red with so much anger towards me.

I turned around walking away from him saying, "whatever Juan."

Next thing I knew I was on the floor facing the ground, "You little piece of shit I'm fuckin killing you. Juan started pounding on my back, but I only felt 2 hits because someone lifted him off of me.

I got up and turned around, "LOOK I KNOW YOUR MAD AND ALL, BUT IM NOT THE ONE THAT TOOK HER SO BACK THE FUCK OFF JUAN!" I yelled my ass off to him. "Plus I put a tracking device on her phone just in case something like this would happen. Now if you quit with your bullshit I can find out where your sister is, MY FAMILY!" I yelled angrily.

I pick my phone off the ground and started going through the app, then it open up my Google maps and I can see that she was on the road going south.

"Okay I can see that she going down south on Branch Street," I look up at everyone.

"We will follow you and just so you know who ever took her are going towards the mountains," Juan said it with attitude as he was getting into his car.

Paul went with me in my car, "let me know if they change directions." I pass the phone to Paul.



I was sitting in the back of the car while Lucas was driving. I was so scared, Lucas had a gun. I was looking around in the back of the car and notice the windows were lock and they are tinted dark, so I know no one can see me back here.

"If you are trying to figure out how to get out of the car, stop wasting your time because I already took care of that, there is no way out unless I open the door," he was smirking at me through the rear view mirror.

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled with tears.

"Oh baby, I love how you get to the point," he chuckled.

After that I didn't talk to him it will only make things worse. I kept thinking about Adrian wondering how he is going to find me.

We were driving for about 30mins now and it looks like we are deep into mountains. I grab my bag I wanted to get a water bottle out. I notice my phone was blinking that is weird because the whole screen was blinking, and then I seen that my phone said tracking. I'm thinking to myself does Adrian know where we are at?

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked.

I quickly shoved the phone in the seats, and then I held it up the water bottle to show him.

"What's wrong, can't talk?" he smirk at me.

I just open my water bottle and took a drink and rolled my eyes at him. I felt the car stop, I look up and seen a very small cabin. He got out of the car looking mad and then he opens my door pulling me by my arm to get out of the car.

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