Chapter 22

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Ch. 22


"Are you Adrian Lopez?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, that is me," I didn't' like what I was feeling.

"Come with me Sir," we started walking back into where they had Monica.

I was following the doctor feeling extremely nervous and hoping that everything is okay with Monica and our baby.

"Before we walk in, we had to sedate her. She was stressing so much and screaming a lot about the baby," Doctor told me as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"How is my baby doing?" I asked quickly.

He opens the door and he walks in as I followed. The Doctor stood next to Monica and I seen IVs connected to her. She didn't even look like Monica; her face was swollen, both of her eyes are swollen and purplish from the beating. I don't think she will be able to see when she wakes up. I was looking at the monitor and notice her blood pressure was kind of high.

"Mr. Lopez, we are sorry, but we couldn't save your baby. It wasn't from the stab wound. The beating that she took put a lot of stress on her. She had a miscarriage," I had tears in my eyes staring at Monica and her stomach.

"She told us that she was feeling a lot of pain between her legs and she also had blood stains. We told her that she had a miscarriage and that is when she freaked out. That is why we had to sedate her," tears were coming down like a waterfall from my eyes.

"Monica has a fractured jaw; we are going to have to take her into surgery to have it repaired. As for the miscarriage, she will still be able to have children. The stab wound didn't go deep; we are going to keep here for awhile. I'm so sorry," the doctor said sadly.

He walks out and I cried like a baby.

Everything that I did to try and protect her didn't work. I failed her and she was right I was not old enough for her. If she had a real man......a man of her age he could of have protected her the right way.

I fuck up and it got my baby killed. I fuck up. This went all wrong......all of this is my fault.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk towards the waiting room to let everyone know what happen to Monica and our baby.

I walk into the waiting room and everyone is staring at me. I don't even know where to start, "Um, Monica, has a fractured jaw, they are preparing to do surgery on her and she........her eyes are swollen. Both of her eyes are shut from bruises and.........and," I started to cry. "And she had a miscarriage not from the stab wounds, but from the blows that she was getting in her face that put a lot of stress on her," Paul and Mari hug me at the same time.

Everyone was crying, "SON OF A BITCH!" Juan yelled and left the hospital. Juan wife wanted to go after him, but she just sat back down and cried.


A day and a half went by and its 2 in the afternoon. Monica had surgery yesterday. They wired her jaw so that it can heal the right way. They are feeding her through tubs and she still hasn't woken up yet.

I'm sitting here like a zombie looking at her and then her stomach. I want to cry, but I can't I have no more tears, well for now. Two more weeks and she would have been 4 months pregnant.

I'm still thinking about leaving her. I don't want to because I'm so in love with her, but all of this that happen it's because of me. I reach out for her hand and I lean forward kissing it I know that I will be losing the best thing that ever happen to me.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now