Chapter 6

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Ch. 6


I was walking out of the meeting my boss just had and there she is Amber waiting for me, "What do you want Amber," not really wanting to talk to her.

"So when have you been doing charity cases..........she doesn't even look like your type Lucas. You know you were stupid to break it off with me......" I cut her off.

"Look, Amber, just because we fuck a few times doesn't mean we were ever together, so get over it and I was were nothing but a piece of ass," I grab her wrist really hard then I push her back where she fell on the floor.

"Asshole then stop coming by my place for a fuck!" She yelled while getting up.

I laugh, "and yet you still open your door and let me in so that I can fuck you," I walk away.

That stupid bitch I swear blondes are so easy......well not all blondes, but Amber is.



It's been over 2 weeks Monica and I hung out a lot, this woman is so down to earth. She still doesn't know that I live here in the same apartment complex. That guy Lucas is still calling or texting her. Monica told me that he was an okay guy.........he's one of them guys with money.

I was walking over to Monica apartment we were going to hang out and have a movie night. I was bringing pizza and she was going to have popcorn, sweets, and drinks. The 2 weeks we been hanging out we haven't kissed. It was more like just friends, but for me, it was more.

I knock on the door then she opens it.

"Hmm......hey pizza guy," she smirks at me.

"Hey beautiful," she blushes and shakes her head.

"Come on in smooth talker let's get this movie started," she chuckles.

"Hey.....can't the pizza guy get a kiss," I put the pizza down.

"I guess you can get a peck on your cheek for bringing the pizza," she was walking towards me.

But me being sneaking I turn my face and her lips landed right on mine then I grab her face softly as we are moving in sync with our lips and her hands were on my biceps. As my hands started going down to her waist, her hands were going up around my neck.

Then I deepened my kiss by tasting her mouth.......she moans softly into my mouth.

"Hmm.....Adrian," she breathes softly into my ear as I kiss her jaw line down to her neck.

She started to kiss my neck, biting it and sucking it. Shit this was a turn on I want her so bad.......hmm I wonder.

I pick her up to wrap her legs around me then while we were kissing I started walking towards her bedroom. She didn't stop me, so this is a good sign.



Oh my god, we are in my bedroom and I couldn't stop I'm feeling good I want more. He pulled his shirt off.........OH....WOW....he is so freakin hot as I stared at his body. I grab him and threw him on my bed straddling him. I started kissing his chest then his abs, now I'm licking his abs going up to his chest, then to his neck.

"Oh Monica......shit that feels so good," he pulls me up grabbing my face and started kissing me again.

He flips me over and since he had his shirt off, he started taking mine off. I wanted him I'm not going to lie about that. He is so beautiful and I like him a lot.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now