Chapter 17

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Ch. 17


We were almost at my parent's home. We left pretty early in the morning and before we left Adrian made sure he let his father know everything about that video. I went back to look it myself and I don't know how I didn't see that it was not me, well I don't check my own body out in details like Adrian does. He such a perv I laugh to myself, but I'm glad he is because like I said I wouldn't have known that was me. Lucas came pretty close getting that girl to look like me, but the dead giveaway was that tattoo on her wrist. It was small and caught on video; Lucas is going to be so mad.

"You're quiet. What are you thinking about?" Adrian asked while he was driving.

"Just about everything that's happening to us and will it ever come to an end with Lucas," I said looking out the window.

He grabs my hand, "Don't think about it baby it's just going to make you go crazy," he parks his truck in front of my parent's home.

Mari, Bella, and Paul pull up behind us in her car. As we were all getting out the front door opens up. My parents and brother walk out. I walk up to my dad, "Hey dad," and held him tight.

"Mija, what's wrong?" he asked looking worried.

"Let's all go inside I need to tell you guys what's been happening since I went back home," I had teary eyes. "Hey mom," I hug her as well. "Hey Juan," I hug him too.

We all walk back into the house and as mom, dad, and Juan were sitting down. We were all standing.

"Dad, Mom and Juan this here is Adrian my boyfriend," my dad raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a little young to be with my sister?" my brother said looking at him with no emotion.

"Juan! Before you start judging you really need to hear me out first.

"Dad, mom, Juan this is Paul, my boyfriend," Mari was holding on to Paul who was holding a sleeping Bella.

Juan gets up, "Give me my niece so that I can lay her down in her bedroom," Juan takes Bella away from Paul.

"Hi Tioooo......" sleepy Bella smiles at Juan.

"Hola mi (Hello my) Isabella, now come on let's go lie you down," Juan said softly taking her to her room.

Juan is the only one that calls her by her full name. I motion for the guys to sit down and I waited till Juan got back.

"Okay, I really don't know where to start and a lot has happened since I moved into my new apartment," I take a deep breath as Adrian squeezed my hand gently.

As I was telling them about Lucas my mom was in tears and my father was holding her. Juan face was red with anger all building up in him, "Why in the fuck you didn't protect my sister, you little punk!" Juan got up and took one big step towards Adrian and then Adrian got up, now they were face to face.

I got in the middle of both of them, pushing Juan back, "don't you dare, Juan, I love him and what happen to me was my fault too. Not just his, we both made mistakes in our relationship. Not just him, so back off," I glared at him.

He then look at me and soften his looks towards me, "you shouldn't have never left home, Monica. I could have protected you here," his eyes were getting watery.

I hug my brother tight, "I'm not done with the story."

We all sat back down and then I told him what Lucas did to Adrian and the reason why his face is bruised up. Then Paul spoke, "If I was with them when that happen I wouldn't have let Lucas hurt my best friend or disrespect Monica, Mari, and Bella," he looks at my sister Mari. "I'm sorry that you had to see all that," Paul squeezes Mari's hands.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now