Chapter 12

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Ch. 12


Shit, this asshole followed me again, "What the hell do you want asshole?" I gave him an angry look. "Such a dirty mouth from a sexy woman," Lucas smirks at me. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Monica we got a call?" one of my co-workers shouted. "Alright!" I shouted and gave him a dirty look walking away, "I will see you later baby," he said softly so that I was the only one that heard him. I didn't bother looking back.

We were already on our way to the hospital the elderly man that we pick up was having trouble breathing. As we pulled up we unloaded the man and push him into the hospital I stood there as one of my co-workers was giving one of the nurses his vitals. I saw one of my friends the nurse that did the rape kit on me. "Excuse me guys I'll be right back," I look at both my co-workers.

"Hey Angie, can I talk to you real quick." "Sure, follow me," she took me into an empty room.

"Angie this is my attorney," I gave her his card. "And he would like you to call him. I'm going after Lucas for what he did to me and I want to thank you again for helping me out that day," I hug her. "Girl you know I'm here for you and I will call him," she returns the hug back to me. "I'm sorry that I have to cut this short, but I do have a patient that is driving me crazy," she laughs. "It's okay I have to go too," I smiled at her.

My cell phone started ringing and it was Adrian calling me.

"Hey, never called me back," Adrian chuckle over the phone.

"I'm sorry........we have an appointment as soon as I get off work, so pick up my sister and niece then come get me. Also, the reason I didn't call you back because I was interrupted by Lucas."

"WHAT! Are you he still there?" Adrian screamed.

"No......Adrian, calm down I'm nowhere near him. We got a call and I walk away. Right now I'm at the hospital and I just got done talking to Angie.....she is going to call you dad today," I can hear him calming down from his breathing.

"Baby I don't know about working and he knows where you guys eat and all that......" he sounded so worried.

"Look we will talk about it later okay I gotta get back to work. I will see you in couple of hours and don't worry.....I love you, Adrian."

"I love you too Monica....see you in a couple of hours," I hung the phone up.

He knows where I live, work, and eat with my friends. I need to put a restraining order on him and I need to let Adrian father know.


I was walking out of the building where I work at and I see Adrian leaning against the car looking so cute. I'm so happy we work things out and he is right age doesn't matter, "hey baby." He pulled me against him and gave me a kiss that weakens my knees.

"Hey beautiful," he smirks at me.

"Tia!" my niece screams from inside the car.

"Hey baby," I stuck my head in the window giving her a kiss.

"Come on beautiful, we don't want to be late," Adrian opens the passenger door for me.

I hop into the passenger seat, "Hey sis."

"Hola, Hermana (Hello sister), I talk to mom awhile ago," my sister said while texting on her phone.

"You didn't tell mom about my condition did you?" I asked.

"Of course not I was just telling her that I was coming home this weekend," she kind of look sad saying that and I think it has to do with Paul.

We were off to the doctor office and I was so nervous, "stop I can feel you shake.....everything going to be okay baby," Adrian holds my hand still.

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