Chapter 13

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Ch. 13


I can't believe that asshole, instead of fighting one on one like a man he lets his asshole friends jump on me and in front of Monica. I swear I'm going to get his ass, but I can't let Monica know that.

"Adrian!" Monica sounding all scared.

"Sssshhhh baby I'm okay," I was trying to comfort her.

"Mr. Lopez, I want to x-ray your ribs just to make sure you don't have broken ribs or bleeding on the inside. Your nose is not broken, but you will have bruises on your face, which those will heal itself," said the doctor from the emergency room.

"Doc really you don't have to do all that I'm fine," I was looking at the doctor.

"Hello Doctor Williams," Monica said with a small smile.

"Oh,'s been one of those days....sorry," he smiled at her.

"It's okay Doctor Williams and go ahead with the x-rays," she then looks at me.

"I'm sorry Monica, but I have to ask what your relationship with the patient is?" the doctor asked.

"I'm sorry Doctor Williams this is my boyfriend Adrian, we were out to dinner when all of this happen," she caress my face.

"Okay Monica will do the x-rays," he smiled at her then wink at her and I didn't like that.

The doctor walks out, "I'm going to the waiting room to let everyone know how you doing......I'll be right back," she lean down giving me a kiss. "Baby I don't like how that doctor winks at you," I told her and she shakes her head then rolls her eyes.

After she left they rolled me out to get x-rays.



Tears were coming down my face after I left Adrian. I didn't want to cry in front of him......I had to be strong for him.

"Oh sweetie," his mom came up to me hugging me.

"I'm sorry......I couldn't hold back the tears and since I've been pregnant my emotions are everywhere," I said to her.

"So, how is he?" his father asks me.

"That jerk really did a number on him......his right cheek is swollen with a cut and it's bruised too. They just took him to get x-rays to see if his ribs are crack or if he is bleeding from his insides," I started crying again......because of me.....Adrian got hurt.......because of me.

"Umm.....I'm going back to Adrian....I want to be there when they bring him back," I look at all of them sadly.

"Don't stress yourself over this, which I know you will and you will blame yourself, so don't Adrian did what he was too much for him what that asshole did to you. Don't blame yourself go be with him and let us know what the doctor said," she hug me and I held on a little longer.

I walk back to Adrian room and he was already back in his room, "hey baby," I just gave him a small smile.

"Awe baby........" he extends his arm out to me. "I'm going to be fine.......what he did to me was a cheap shot, so please stop stressing over this," he moves over so that I can lay with him.

"This is my fault Adrian..............he hurt you because of me. I'm scared..." I cried into his arms.

"Don't even go there.....this is not your fault. That guy is sick and has problems......we will stop him I promise you," he puts his finger under my chin and moved my face up to look at him.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now