Chapter 16

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Ch. 16


I told the guys, "unload everything into my parent's garage I'm going to take Monica upstairs I'll be back in a little bit."

Monica and I walk into the house and went straight upstairs to our room. She was quiet all the way up to the room.

"Baby, I'm sorry that you are going through this. I love you and I wish that I can take that pain away," I took her shoes off then lay her down on my bed.

"Don't be sorry.....we both made mistakes," she was looking down.

"Now we learn from our mistakes and start doing things right for our family. I have to go back downstairs and help the guys out, but once I'm done I'll be right back and lay with you," I was laying next her.

"Don't rush yourself, Adrian, I'm going to nap for awhile. Go hang with your friends I'll be okay," she hugs me tight then gave me a quick kiss.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm not going to let that asshole get to me. That video he sent us....I....I want to see with my sister. I don't want you to see it because I don't even know how it is and I don't want to hurt you, baby," she said it with lots of shame in her voice.

"That's fine, but you do know my father is going to see it. That is evidence and that jerk has a copy so he will show it to his lawyer," I was holding her hand.

"Your right, shit I can't believe this. My boyfriend father is going to see me doing this," she covered her face with her hands.

"Stop, check the video out with your sister and then you can let me know how bad it is, okay?" I pulled her hands away from her face.

"Okay, tell my sister to wake me up in a couple of hours," she turned her back to me while lying down.

I was walking back to the guys with Monica on my mind. This asshole just wants to fuck up our lives. This is stupid, and then my phone started ringing.


"Hey, Adrian, it's me, Daniel."

"What's going on Daniel?"

"A blond hair girl stops by and said she knows you. She left her phone number for me to give it to you," Daniel said over the phone.

"Daniel you know I'm with Monica and she is having my baby, now why would I go mess around with someone else with when I'm seriously in love with my woman," I said in a serious tone.

"I know Adrian, but this girl was crying and said that it was important that she talk to you. She said what she has to tell is extremely important," he was quiet over the phone.

I sigh, "Fine text me the number."

"Adrian after this girl left she jumps into a car that looks very expensive and the guy that was driving look into the gym. I'm assuming he was looking for you. Be careful my friend," Daniel told me.

"Thanks, I will," I hung up the phone.

Daniel texts me the number, but I didn't call I was too busy worrying about my family.

"Hey Mari, before I forget your sister said to wake her up in a couple of hours and that video she got in the mail today. Well, she wants you to be there with her when she watches it, so I wouldn't take Bella in there," I was looking down.

"Hey," Mari said to me. "We will get through this. I'm not going to let this asshole hurt my sister and everything that you have done for her only proves that you are a good man and I'm glad my sister has you," she walk up to me hugging me hard.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now