Chapter 25

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Ch. 25


I was waking up feeling Adrian arms holding me. I didn't open my eyes, this felt so right. I actually slept pretty good and no nightmares. I was stupid to push Adrian away and he is right we have been through so much that it made us stronger. I'm sad that we lost our son the pain that I've been feeling was heavy and since last night I don't feel it anymore. I turn myself over so that I can face him and as I did that he holds me tighter not wanting to let me go. I smiled at that because I don't ever want to let him go.

I'm lying there in his arms staring at his beautiful face and I can tell he aged a little. I felt bad because I know I did this to him. I felt tears building up in my eyes then I lean up to kiss his face. A tear drop right on his cheek, his eyes snap open looking worried.

"Monica, what's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this," I look at him through my tears.

"I would do anything for you Monica, I love you so much and what happen to us I would do it all over in a minute. I'm the one who is sorry and I promise you that from here on out our lives will be easier," Adrian said and gives me a kiss on my lips.

And I just remember I forgot to ask him about Lucas.

"Adrian, did you kill Lucas?" Please say no, I kept repeating in my head.

"What? No, Monica, I didn't as much as I wanted to kill him for what he did to you. I didn't kill him," he had his hands on my face.

"That is why I came here yesterday. I saw on the news that they identified the body they found and it was Lucas. I was scared that you did it because if you did, then I would never see you again because they would lock you up," I grab his hands pulling them down on my lap.

"Well it wasn't me, so don't you worry. No more worries, okay?" he pulled me onto his lap.

I lean against his chest and place my face inside of his neck, "no more worries." I said with my eyes close.

"Adrian, before you came back home. Did you ever find out what our baby was.......meaning a boy or a girl?" I asked wondering if he knew.

"You know what, with everything going on during that time. I never stop and ask myself what we had........" he said taking a deep breath, sounded nervous talking about it.

"Well, Adrian we were going to have a son and I've been dreaming about him for the past month. In my dream, I'm sitting in the rocking chair holding him. He looks so handsome........he looks like you," I had tears in my eyes. "Monica, stop, don't talk about it if it hurts that bad," Adrian whispered to me. "No, I have to tell you. I was smiling down at our son and we named him, we named him Marcos Javier Lopez," I look up at Adrian and he had tears in his eyes.

"I was going to have a son," Adrian said as tears slide down his face.

"Yes," I responded and held him tight.

"You named him after my abuelito," he looks surprised. "What do you mean after your grandpa?" I gave him a confused look.

"Marcos is my abuelito name," he said to me. "My abuelito would be proud," he smiled with tears in his eyes.

"This is crazy. Well, our son has a strong name and he's with him now. I know his great grandpa will watch over him," I smiled at Adrian then giving him a kiss.

"I love you so much Monica. You are the best thing that came into my life," Adrian looked at me with so much love. "Now let's go shower and let our family know that we are getting married," he said happily.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now