Chapter 23

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Ch. 23


I was rocking away in a rocking chair and I was feeling at peace. I look down at my arms and I am smiling at my baby boy, he looks so peaceful asleep.

"Hey sweetie," I lean down kissing his forehead.

We end up naming our son Marcos Javier Lopez. I look up to see Adrian in tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked then look down in my arms again and my son was gone. "Adrian! Where's our son?" I stood up going crazy looking for my child.

"Doctor, what's wrong with Monica?" I heard Adrian voice.

I couldn't see Adrian, then I hear moving around but I couldn't see. What the hell is going on and why is it so black?

"She having a nightmare, that is why her heart rate is up, she scared," some man I don't know said.

"Then wake her up," I heard Adrian said nervously.

"Sir, she is waking up," the man responded to Adrian.

"Monica, baby, wake up. Open your eyes honey," I can feel Adrian in front of my face.

I started moving my eyes, trying to open them, but the light was so bright. Finally, after adjusting my eyes, they landed right away on Adrian who had tears in his eyes. I was trying to talk to Adrian, but my jaw wouldn't move. What the hell is going on with me, and then I felt my mouth and face. That is when I remember what happen to me and I started to cry, "Shh, don't talk baby. Here drink some water," he grabs a cup with a straw so that I can take a sip.

I mumble, "Baby gone." I was cradling my stomach while I'm crying, and then Adrian sat down next to me holding me. We just sat there crying together, "I'm so sorry Monica, I'm sorry, please forgive me," Adrian whispered crying in my ears.

I kept shaking my head no and then anger was building up. I pulled back and look at Adrian, and then I look around to see who else are in the room. There was a nurse and I'm guessing a doctor.

I mumble to the nurse and doctor, "Leave." I was pointing to the door, they walk out.

"Monica, please calm down and relax," Adrian held me.

But I couldn't I was too mad and extremely angry at this man who killed my baby. I push Adrian away from me and I turned slowly to my side then closed my eyes.



It hurt me when she pushes me away, but I deserved it I let her down. She lay back down, but this time, she gave me her back. I heard her crying and I was getting up, but she put her hand up telling me no.

I sat back down after 30mins of crying she was doing, she fell asleep and I walk out of the room to talk with the doctor, and then her family.

Month later....

It's 6:30 in the morning and I was getting ready to leave to my business that I started. To keep myself distracted and not constantly keep thinking about Monica I opened up a gym right around from the courthouse downtown. My parents gave me the idea, how they wish there was a gym where they work at, so I decided why not and yes I came back home. Monica was not talking to me or even looking at me, so I made it easier for her and came back home. I didn't want to leave her, but I guess talking or looking at me it was too painful for her.

She is staying with her parent's and so was Paul. Mari and Paul decided to move in together and I was happy for them. I miss them all so much, especially Monica it's been so hard for me and go about my life like if nothing has happened.

I Felt UsedWhere stories live. Discover now