2. The Mistake

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Friday May 26

Chelsea's P.O.V.

            Janae will be coming home soon.  I can't wait!  Although, I'm still upset about her not wanting me to hang out with Jake.  I really hope I can get the nerve to talk to Jake.  I've come up with a couple of plans.  A, I will make Jake and I be friends again.  I'll also make sure I don't tell Tanner and Janae....B, if that doesn't work, I'll get Tanner and Janae to make up. 

Saturday May 27

Jake's P.O.V.

            Wow!  It feels like it's been forever since I talked to Chelsea.  We used to be so close and now...  Now we don't even speak to each other.  I feel really bad about that.  Especially since Chelsea is a really nice and caring girl.  I feel like such a jerk ignoring her, but Tanner said she would just hurt me like Janae hurt him.  I think he's wrong, but he also claimed that if I did start to hang out with Chelsea again, he would make sure he ruined high school for me.  He's normally not that mean, I think he just cares for me too much.  Ugh!  Sometimes I love my brother and other times he just makes me so mad!  I guess that's why it's called tough love.

            I woke up early in the morning to hear my mother yelling at someone.  I quietly got dressed and pulled on my sneakers.  I crept down the stairs to find my mom talking to someone on the phone.  They were having a heated conversation about something.  This is what I heard:

            "No!  You can't do this!  Jake is staying with me!  It's already been hard enough for me to let you keep Dan with you!"

            Mom pauses and listens and throws before throwing up her hands in exasperation.  She keeps the phone away from her ear for a few seconds while taking deep breaths.  I haven't seen her this upset in, well, ever.  Since she's talking about Dan, I assume she's talking with my dad.  The man who ruined not only my mom's life, but mine, Tanner's, and Dan's.  Dan's my age, and we look pretty much alike, but we have our differences.  I haven't seen Dan in a couple of months.  Dad doesn't like to let us see each other.  I sigh, and continue to listen to the conversation since she finally put the phone back up to her ear.

            "No!  I won't let you!  Trevor this is it!  Dan is coming to live with Jake and me!  There is nothing you can do about it!  Dan will be much happier with us!"

            There's more yelling on the phone from my Dad, so I sigh and sneak back upstairs.  I don't know how my parents used to like each other.  Now all they do is fight, and they can't even stand each other.  I get in the shower and finish getting ready.  It's Saturday so I have no school.  What to do? 

            My mom went to work and Dan doesn't live around here so I can't hang out with.  It's times like these where I wish I could hang out with Chelsea like I used to.  I know my mom doesn't mind anymore.  Like me, she never really believed that Janae cheated on Tanner.  We just went along with it for Tanner's sake.  Truth be told, our parents don't talk to each other because of Tanner and Janae, just like what Chelsea and I do.  It's pretty sad when you think about it, but I guess family comes before friends. 

            I guess I should call Tanner.  I haven't talked to him since about a week ago.  He normally calls every week on Saturday.  That's why my mom makes us always keep our phones charged and make sure we can hear them if they go off.  She always has me come to the phone too and puts it on speaker.  You could say she's a little over enthusiastic when it comes to talking to Tanner.  I still remember the one time we missed a phone call from him and she freaked.  I know it's mean, but it was pretty funny to watch. 

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