27. Making a Move

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Friday June 1

Jake's P.O.V.

            Dan, Jocie, Chelsea, and I all walk back home to Dan's and my house.  It's about nine when we get there, so we can only hang out for about an hour or two before I'll mom will get home and say something about it being way too late to have friends over.  Especially after what happened with that guy..  I shudder.  Dan and I will be sure to walk the girls home.  Not only is it the gentleman-like thing to do, but it's also what friends do. 

            We get inside and Jocie and Chelsea started the wii up while Dan and I went to the kitchen to get some snacks ready. 

            "So, the movie idea was really that bad?" I ask Dan.

            He pulls out some sodas in the fridge before turning around and answering my question.  "Yeah, wasn't it that obvious?  I mean, how would you feel about going out somewhere in public after something like that?  It's probably hard enough for her not to think about it.  She'll probably have nightmares for a while now, thanks to David."

            Huh.  I never thought about it like that.  "Yeah, I guess you're right.  Ah, what would I do without you?"

            Dan grins.  "I have no idea.  Isn't it odd how the older brother needs the younger one?"

            "You need me, just not as often as I need you."

            "So..  for teams, is it going to be boys vs. girls?  Or you and  Chelsea vs. Jocie and me?"

            I shrug.  We both walk back into the living room to see the girls have everything all set up. 

            "Are you guys ready to dance?" Jocie asks.

            "Are you kidding?  I'm always ready to dance!" I say.

            I exchange a look with Jocie and Dan.  Chelsea is sitting on the couch so quietly I barely noticed her.  I guess I should just give her some space..  Is that what girls like?  Maybe Jocie will have some advice for me.

            "Would you guys mind if I talk to Jocie for a second?" I ask Dan and Chelsea.

            They both shake their heads, so she follows me out into the kitchen.  "I need your help.  How do I make Chelsea feel ok again?  You know, help her get over the whole David thing."

            Jocie crosses her arms over her chest.  "I see that, but I'm not really the person you should be asking."

            "But..  You're a girl..  Shouldn't you know?"

            "Gosh, Jake.  You're horrible at this!  Look, I know you think I should be able to tell you what Chelsea needs, but I can't really."

            She can't help me?  Great.  Just great!  Now who I go to for help?

            "Pleassseeee.  Please Jocie.  I swear if you help me out, I'll - I'll help talk you up even more to Dan."

            I watch her carefully as she thinks it over.  "All I can really tell you is that when something like this happens to a girl, she'll normally act in two ways.  Either she'll want her space for a while or she'll want someone there to comfort her."

            I nod.  "Ok..  so which one is she?"

            Her eyes widen.  "Didn't you just listen to what I said?"  I nod.  Why do I have the feeling that we're both on different wavelengths? 

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