4. Party Planning

756 15 5

Monday May 29

Jake's P.O.V.

            I'm woken up to an average morning with my alarm clock blaring.  Great, another day of school.  I really wish I could sleep in!  Just once!  I wouldn't mind school if it wasn't for all the work and stress of being in honors classes and of course, waking up early.  I get in the shower and then get dressed in black athletic shorts and a white t-shirt.  I finish getting ready and then head downstairs and my mom drives me to school.

            As soon as I get into the car, I can tell she is upset.  The whole ride she is silent, which is highly unusual.  It also makes the ride pretty awkward.  I want to talk to her, but I don't know how.  I also want to know about Dan.  Is he really coming to live with us?  Right now doesn't seem like the time to ask, however.

            Walking into school, I find the usual girls surrounding my locker; it's Brittany and her friends.  They always want to flirt with me.  Don't they have anything better to do?  Whenever threre's a party, they always expect me to go upstairs with them and do who knows what.  It's not like I don't make it very clear that I'm not interested.  Why can't they take no for an answer?  You'd think that after all the rejections, they would finally get the message.  I guess I'm wrong there.  They're always persistent and always surrounding me.  It seems that some people never change. 

            I reach into my locker to get my books out and find about five different hands all over me.  Jeesh!  For once I'd like to have my own personal space.  Ugh!  Chelsea would never do this!  Here I go again with Chelsea! 

            Brittany ran her hands over my biceps and whispered in my ear, "I'll see you later, handsome," and then left.  My friends, Alex, Kyle, Zack, and David all laughed, but I felt really uncomfortable from her.  She thinks she can just lay her hands on me whenever she wants, but I don't appreciate it. 

            "So, I'm having a party this coming Friday night.  You guys gotta be there!" David said.

            "Oh, you know I'll be there!  It ain't a party unless Kyle's in the house!  Woot, woot!"  Kyle said.

            "Oh, yeah!  Don't forget me!!  All the girls love me!  They only hang out with you guys cause they want me!"  spoke Alex.

            "Come on! That's such a lie! They only want me!"  David said.

            "Nu-uh.  They want me!"  Kyle responded.

            "I'm pretty sure they want all of us," I say.

            "True dat, true dat!"  Alex responded. 

            "I second that motion," Zack grins before hand fiving Alex and me.

            "So then it's settled.  Party at my house.  You all are coming.  Tell everyone you know.  Oh, and be sure to bring a girl with you!"  David replied.

            "I'll bring Steph, but only as friends."  Alex replied.

            "I call dibs on Cheryl!!"  Kyle shouts.

            "I call dibs on Makayla!" Zack yells.

            "Hey, that's not fair!  We have a no dibs policy!"  David shouts.

            "Oh, right...Well, who cares?  Since when do I follow the rules??  And when do you guys follow the rules? Never!  I'm taking Cheryl!" Kyle shouted back.

            "Fine, but you stink!! You'll regret your decision, Kyle!"  David shouted as Kyle walked down the hall, ignoring him.  David turns to Zack.

            "Makayla?  Really?" David asks.

            "Yep.  Why do you ask?" Zack asks.

            "You have no chance.  She's way too picky, and she's got a thing for monopoly man," David says nodding at me.

            Monopoly man is my nickname.  How'd I get it?  I always win when we play the board game monopoly, by a landslide.

            "We'll see.  We'll see," Zack says deviously as he turns and leaves.

            "So Jake, who are you going to bring?"  Alex asks.

            "He's going to bring Harris of course, who else?"  David responded.

            "Uhh..Well, they haven't been talking so I thought he wouldn't bring her.." replied Alex.

            "Alex is right.  I'm not bringing her.  I'll find someone else.  Maybe Dayna? Molly?  I'll find someone,"  I reply.

            "Ok, whatever.  Since you're not taking her though, I will.  Harris is so good looking, and she's always playing hard to get.  This ought to be fun,"  David smiled as he said the last part.

            "Ok, then.."  Alex says.

            The bell rings and we have to head to our first period class.  I can't help but feel upset.  And that's not just because school isn't fun, but the whole thing with David asking Chelsea to be his date for his party.  I just don't like the idea.  I mean David is my friend and all, but...I don't know, it's hard to explain and I normally try to avoid those deep feelings.  That's why I normally don't date.  It's a whole lot more complicated if you date someone. 

            I head off to class to find that we are switching seats.  Great.. Wow..the rest of the year is going to stink..not only is the most annoying girl sitting in front of me, but the girl sitting behind me, well...let's just say I think that she doesn't want to sit behind me, but I like how close our desks are.

Author's Note

I hope the story is starting to pick up a little..I wanted to introduce what was happening in the first few chapters.  Now we are getting into the main stuff.  So, who's Daniel?  Is he coming to live with Jake?  Will Jake let David ask Chelsea out? (or as the guys called her Harris..It's her last name.) ?  And will she say yes??  Thanks for reading!  If you like my story please, vote, comment, fan me, tweet, say something about it on facebook, or whatever! 


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