29. No More Boys

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Friday June 1

Chelsea's P.O.V.

            Janae and I took one quick look at each other, nodded, and then we walked down the stairs together.  I suck in a deep breath, my parents can't get that mad over this, can they?  It's not like we committed a crime or anything. 

            As we're walking down the stairs, our parents both look at us suspiciously.  Of course, they think we're up to no good.  We make our way downstairs and Janae makes a suggestion that we all talk in the living room, so we do.

            "Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something," she starts.

            "We're listening," our father says.  "What is it that you have to tell us, Janae?"

            She stands up and pulls me up with her so only our parents are remaining seated on the couch.  "You know how you're mad at Chelsea for hanging out with Dan and Jake?"  Both of our parents nod.  "Well, I have to confess that I'm not so innocent myself."

            Our mother raises her eyebrows.  "What do you mean you aren't innocent?  Have you known about Chelsea meeting with the boys?"

            "No I did not, but.." she holds her breath, being careful of what she says.  "I was however in touch with A Collin.  Just not those two."

            Our parents expressions remain blank for a few seconds before Janae's answer sinks in.  "You've been with Tanner Collin?" our father questions.

            "Yes," she responds hanging her head.  "But-"

            "We told you this boy is just going to hurt you and now you go seeking after him!"

            "Dad, listen!  It was all just a mistake, a misunderstanding!  Tanner never cheated on me!  Someone MADE those photos.  They aren't real."

            "Sure.  That's what he wants you to think.  Do you have any idea how easy it is for a boy to lie to a girl to get what he wants?  He's just lying to you because he's not done breaking your heart," our father scoffs.

            "No.  You're wrong!  Tanner-."

            "No, Janae.  You don't understand.  He's deceiving you."

            "No, you don't understand, Dad.  I love him.  I still do.  I've always loved him.  Why can't you just accept that?"

            Janae is almost ready to start crying.  She looks at our mom pleadingly, but our mom looks away.  I don't think she's completely on our side or on Janae's.  Me, however, I agree with Janae.  It's good to know that her and Tanner have made up.  I don't know why our parents don't understand that it was a mistake.  Why can't they just forget it all?

            "Dad, you should really listen to Janae," my voice comes out really wobbly, so I clear my throat and speak up a little more.  "She's right.  Don't you trust her to know what she's talking about?"

            "It's not you girls that I don't trust.  It's the Collin boys."

            Janae and I both look at our mother waiting for a response or a comment.  Neither comes.  She's been really quiet lately. 

            Our father stands up.  "This conversation is over.  Although you are 18 Janae, you still live in our house and I expect you not to hang out with Tanner or any Collin for that matter of fact.  Chelsea," he says turning to me.  "You are to follow those rules too, but since you aren't 18, you are also grounded.  Keep this in mind girls, we're only doing this for your safety and well being."

            Our dad then leaves the room and our mother follows.  Grounded?  How could I be grounded?  I've never been grounded before!  And for just hanging out with our neighbors?  That's ridiculous!  Well, I don't care what our parents say I'm going to hang out with the guys anyway and I'm sure Janae will too.  It'll just be our little secret.

Jake's P.O.V.

            I really hope that I didn't get Chelsea in trouble.  Normally when you lean in to kiss a girl, you don't expect her father to come out of the house and start yelling at you.  I had the perfect opportunity for my first kiss with the perfect girl and then her dad ruins it.  Ugh!  I wish Tanner and Janae would just make up all ready!  It's been long enough now.  They just need to forgive and forget.

            I also hope that her parents don't start to enforce some crazy rules like they did last time.  Her parents are way too strict!  It's only been a little since Chelsea and I started chatting again and now the world is trying to pull us apart again.  Maybe we aren't suppose to be together... 

            No.  We are, just not yet.  Yes, I'll make Chelsea my girlfriend.  Her parents don't have to know, though.  I think Chelsea will agree with me that her parents are overreacting.  Huh.  I wonder if they took her phone?

Author's Note

Woo!  Chapter 29!!  Next chapter will be the big 3 0!!  Anyway, what do you think?  This story is maybe about a forth done?  Not sure yet.  Also, I may add a sequel if I feel like enough people want one, but as of right now..  I'm doubting that I will.  Who is your favorite male character?  Thanks for reading!

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