31. Closer

297 7 3

Saturday June 2

Dan's P.O.V.

             Jocie and I watch as Jake and Tanner take the steps two at a time.  They are both so anxious to get a plan formed!  Anyway, I'm proud of Jake, though.  He was never the dating type of guy, but now that he's realized he needs Chelsea, he's changing, for the better. 

            "So...Jocie.  What movie should we watch?"

            "You're going to let me choose?" she asks giving me a puppy dog face.

            "Sure.  Why not?"

            "Well, you know how some guys are with chick flicks..."

            "Oh, please.  I'm perfectly fine with chick flicks."

            "Really?" she beams, "Either way I was thinking we should watch Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging."

            I raise my one eyebrow at her, "Is that suppose to be some kind of make out movie?"

            Laughter erupts from both of us.  It's in this moment that I feel totally at ease.  Whenever I'm with Jocie, that's just how it is.  She's someone who makes me so comfortable.  Good thing Jocie isn't related to the Harris family.  Imagine that, if there was a third Harris sister... well, I think my entire family would be doomed. 

            "You know, I don't have anything against a movie with that kind of title, but I hate to break it to you, I'm positive that we don't own that movie."

            "Lucky for us, I brought it from my house."

            I roll my eyes at her, but put the DVD in.  "I never knew you were so sneaky."

            "You haven't seen anything yet than, Dannykins."

           "Pet names?  Woah!  I thought we agreed to take this relationship at a slow pace?  Next thing I know, you'll be telling me how many kids you want to have."

            "Four..or maybe more..."

            My head, which was facing the tv screen, instantly turned so I could stare at her.  "Wha--?"

            Jocie playfully hit my arm.  "Gosh!  Don't look so freaked out!  I'm only kidding!"

            "I'm not freaked out," I make a weird face at her, "just surprised that you know how many kids you want to have."

            "You realize that I could have made that number up, right?"

            "Yeah, but you said it so fast.."


            I shrug and turn back to the tv.  Within a few minutes of watching the movie, I feel this wave of heat coming toward me.  I look over at Jocie and I see she's moving towards me.  She reaches me and rests her head on my shoulder.  I place my left arm around her and she snuggles closer to me.  An involuntary sigh comes from my body.  I could stay like this forever.

Jake's P.O.V.

            I can hear a movie quietly playing downstairs.  I wonder when Dan will officially decide to claim Jocie as his girlfriend.  I'm pretty surprised he hasn't done it already.  Tanner comes walking over to me and takes a seat on my bed. 

            "So, what do we do?" he asks me.

            "Aren't you suppose to be the smart one?"

            "Nah, I thought that was Dan."

            "Well, he's kind of busy right now."

            Tanner cracks a smile, "Oh come on!  Why do you take everything the wrong way?" I question him.

            "I'm sorry," he laughs some more, "college gets to you and then next thing you know, you start taking everything the wrong way."

            "Great, I'm looking forward to it."

            "Don't sound to bummed.  It isn't all bad."

            I roll my eyes at him.  "So..  to see Janae and Chelsea we must..."

            "Not get caught."

            "No crap, Tanner."

            He grins at my response.  "I'm thinking we should let their parents think they're going to a freind's house, like, say Dan's girl, Jocie.  Then, we just pretend like that's what's happening."

            "Ok, I'm game if we can get the girls in on it."

            "Hey, why stop at us each going on our own dates?"

            "What are you getting at?"

           "I'm thinking you and Chelsea, Janae and me, and Dan and Jocie."

            "Umm.. do you realize how awkward it is that we're brothers and we're dating sisters?  Isn't that illegal, anyway?"

            "No idea.  Anyway, are you in or not?" 

            "Fine.  If something goes wrong though--"

            "We're going down together.  I got it."

Author's Note

Is it illegal? Don't ask me, I don't know!  I tried to google it, but I got weird stuff about siblings marrying siblings.. That'd be awkward (in my opinion) and I'm thinking pretty wrong, but who am I to judge?  Anyway, bad?  good?  horrible? worth throwing in the trash?  want to rip it up?  Well too bad, you can't do the last two.  Trust me, I would've if I could, but yeah, you can't throw stuff you type in the trash unless you print in out..or throw away the whole computer..  We all know that's stupid though, right?  Plus, you can't rip it up as well, not unless you print it out, which you shouldn't be doing..  Sorry, for my awkward ramble.  This is my failed attempt at being funny.  Lastly, thanks for reading! Love to all! <3 :D

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