16. Liking Brothers

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Thursday May 31

Chelsea's P.O.V.

            I'm pressed up against Dan, and surprisingly, it feels pretty nice.  I wrap my arms around his waist, and rest my head on his back.  I breathe in.  He smells like chlorine mixed with his usual  scent that is hard to put into words.  Hugging him like this just feels so..  right, I guess is the best word to use.  It feels right holding on to him and hugging him close to me.  Wait.  I like Jake, so why am I thinking about his little brother in a more than just friends way?  I must still be recovering from the stabbing I guess.

            I think about it for a few minutes.  No.  I do like Dan.  There's no denying it.  The way he makes me feel, the way he stands up for me.  Dan's great, he really is.  He's nice, smart, honest, sweet, respectful, funny, brave, and all around my dream guy. 

            But what about Jake?  I like Jake too.  I feel bad saying that though, like I ruined my loyalty to Jake, but I can't help it!  It's already bad enough that I like Jake and Dan who are brothers, even worse, they are twins.  Oh gosh!  What's next?  Tanner too!  No!  I'd never let that happen.  Anyway, Tanner definitely isn't my type, and ever since I got stabbed..  I guess I've been feeling like Dan is more my type than Jake.

            Sigh.  What am I suppose to do?  Dan's practically already taken by Jocie and she's becoming one of my friends.  Do I tell her?  Do I tell Dan?  Do I tell Jake?  I wish Janae was here!  Oh right, I can't tell her because she'd freak on me, anyway.  I guess I'll have to make things up with Jake and maybe then I can get together with him.

            "Bear hug!" Jocie giggles.  She wraps her arms around Dan too, and we squeeze him.

            "Ugh!  Are you trying to kill me?"

            We both start laughing and let go.  I sigh.  I'm going to miss touching him.  I'll be the princess without her prince charming, unless Jake really is him, but I have my doubts.

            Dan seems to notice that I'm feeling upset and frowns.  "You ok, Chelsea?" 

            "Yeah.  I'm fine.  Why do you ask?"

           "Don't lie to me," he says softly and pulls me into a hug.  "Why won't you tell me what's wrong?"

            "It's nothing."  I wonder how this looks to Jocie...



            "Tell me."


            "You're really stubborn, you know that?"

            I grin at him.  "Yep."

            "Does it have to deal with Jake?"


            "You sure?  Are you even suppose to be swimming?"

            "Yes, and I don't know."

            "Well then maybe you shouldn't be in here.  I'm sorry I forgot-"

            "It's fine, trust me.  I'm ok."

            Dan eyes me suspiciously before asking me another question, "What did you tell your parents?"

            "I told them I'm doing homework at a friend's house."

            "I never knew you were the lying type."

            "There's a lot you don't know about me."  Am I flirting with Dan?  Oh gosh!  I am!

            He sighs and let's me go, but just for a little.  It hasn't even been three seconds when he grabs me again, begging me to tell him.  Jocie comes over to see what all the raucous is about. 

            "What are you two doing?" she asks cocking her head to the side with a confused expression.

            "Nothing," I answer quickly.

            "That's not true.  Chelsea won't tell me what's wrong."

            "Maybe that's because you keep squeezing the life out of her."

           Dan frowns.  When he's sad he looks so much like a little puppy.  A cuddly, friendly, hyper, puppy.  Wait.  Why am I comparing Dan to a puppy?!  Something must seriously be wrong with me..

            "Nu-uh.  She has plenty of space to breathe."  He sticks his tongue out at Jocie and she rolls her eyes back at him murmuring, "Boys."

            He then let's go of me and finally stops pestering me.  I have to remember to thank Jocie later.  If she wouldn't have gotten him to stop bugging me, I think I probably would've caved to those eyes of his.

            The rest of the night is ok.  I finish swimming with Dan and Jocie and leave without saying anything more to Jake.  I guess he's still in a pretty bad mood. 

            I head home and go right up to my bedroom.  I could really use some sleep.  I need to clear my head too. 

            Tomorrow night is the party and who knows what will happen then.  I'm actually kind of dreading it because Jake has a date and so does Dan.  They'll both probably end up dating their dates after tomorrow night.  Lucky me.  I'm stuck with David, not that he's bad or anything.  Hmm.. I just don't get why he's mad at David.  Maybe I should ask Jocie and if she doesn't know then I could ask Dan. 

            I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about, you guessed it, the Collin brothers.  Well, Dan and Jake, definitely NOT Tanner.

Author's Note

Hello!  Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.  The party is tomorrow!  Woot!  I don't know about you guys, but I like to dance!  Anyway, thanks for reading!  Vote or comment if you want, yes it's optional and yeah thanks! :D ~Christine

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