22. Misunderstandings

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Friday June 1

Janae's P.O.V.

            "I-I-I never ever cheated on you Tanner!  I don't know where that picture came from!  Someone must have photo shopped it!"

            He stares at me, not believing it for a second.  "You know what I don't get?  You're caught, busted!  Why don't you just come out with it now because I already know?"

            I stare at Tanner worriedly.  I can tell he's really upset, but that isn't what's worrying me.  I never cheated on Tanner, ever.  What worries me is that this picture is fake, which means that someone wanted to tear us apart... but what about him?  He could of still cheated on me!

            "Look, Tanner.  I know this seems really suspicious and everything, but I never cheated on you.  That picture is fake.  Someone took a picture of me and that guy and made it look real.  Anyway, why are you criticizing me?  I got a photo similar to that with you and a girl!"

            And then it clicks.  Just like that.  Tanner and I stare at each other as we both realize what's going on.  Tanner never cheated on me.  I never cheated on Tanner.  Which means we broke up because someone sent us photos that showed us cheating on each other.  Photos that were not real..

            Tanner looks away for a second and that back at me before placing his hands in his pockets.  "Well..  this is kind of a good thing, right?" he asks give me a sheepish smile.

            Leave it to Tanner to try and make this seem like a good thing..  That's one of the things I always loved about him.  Even if he isn't all that way or he hears mad news, he's always trying to make the situation seem better for himself and everyone else too.

            I nod my head at him.  "But who..  Who would try to break us up?"

            "I don't know.  I'm at least happy now that we know the truth, though."

            I nod my head in agreement.  At least we both know that we didn't cheat on each other.  I feel disappointed in myself.  If I really trusted Tanner wouldn't I have believed him?

            "Well, I guess I should say I'm sorry Janae.  I should of asked you about it before jumping to conclusions."

            "Yeah, me too."

            "So we forgive each other?"

            I nod my head.

            "Good.  Friends?" Tanner asks me holding out his hand for me to shake.

            I give him a strange look, but shake his hand.  We stare at each other.  I guess neither of us know what to say to one another after all of our feuding. 

            "I feel really stupid now."

            I stare at  Tanner  with a questioning look.

            "You know..  I believed that you were cheating on me based off a photo that was photo shopped.  I never ever saw you with that guy either..  All the signs were there, but I didn't see it.  And then I came to break up with you and I wouldn't tell you why I wanted to break up.." he pauses for a minute.  "Huh.  I wonder if I would've told you would we have figured this out then?"

            "I feel the same way.  We really should've told each other first..  I wonder..  I guess sometimes the smarter people aren't always that smart."

            He chuckles at my comment.  "Yeah..  We may be at the top of our class, but we still aren't that smart.  I guess you could say we're book smart and that's about it."

            "Yeah..all this fighting over nothing..  I guess we were pretty stupid, huh?"

            Tanner grins and nods.  "Young and stupid."

            I stare into his eyes and feel all the old feelings I have for him flood back.  Well, they were always there, just covered up by my anger at him so now they're resurfacing.

            I close my eyes and lean in to kiss him.  I hope it feels like it used to.  I can still remember the excitement and the comfort and the all around happy feeling I got when I kissed him.

            Right before my lips reach his, he pulls away.

            "I can't."

            "Why not?" I ask softly.

            "I'm not single."

            "You're not?"

            "No.  I'm dating Rachel.  Remember?"

            My faces immediately turns red.  How could I have forgotten he had a girlfriend!  I just said about her cheating on him a few minutes ago!  "Oh right," I respond as I turn my head away.

            I nod my head.  I can't just expect Tanner to drop his girlfriend and come right back to me.  That'd be selfish and although that's what I really want to happen, I know it's wrong.

            There's a silence for a while before I decide to say something.  "So, is you're relationship with her going well?"

            He stares off into the distance for a while before replying.  "You're asking me this after you tell me she's cheating on me?"  I merely nod and he chuckles.  "Eh.  It's ok sometimes.  It's nothing like what we had though."  He looks back down at me.  "If I were to dump Rachel, could we give us another shot?"

            I stare at him in disbelief.  He'd really do that for me?  For us?  "Wouldn't that be unfair to her?"

            He thinks about it for a second before replying.  "Eh..  I don't think she'd mind, especially since she cheater on me.  Remember how she was in high school?  Well..  she's pretty much the same.  I don't think she'd miss me too much.  All we really do is make out anyway.  None of that fun stuff that we used to do."

            I think back to high school.  Rachel..  Rachel was always that girl who had a different boyfriend each week.  Her and Tanner aren't even close to being the same type.  I'm not even sure how they managed to stay together for this long..  Oh well, I hope Rachel doesn't get to upset.. cause I'm not sure I can say no to Tanner, never could before so why would I start now?  She cheated on him too and he deserves better, much better than that. 

            Tanner gently places his hand underneath my chin and turns my head back to face him.  "I really am sorry.  If I wasn't in a relationship and all this would be ok, but I can't do that to Rachel."

            "I'm sorry about what I said about Rachel..."

            He looks away for a few seconds, then turns back to me, "Did you mean what you said?  Did you really see her cheating on me?"

            "I- look, Tanner.  She-"

            "She did, didn't she?"


            He runs his fingers through his hair.  "I'm going to have to have a talk with her.  I think I'll be breaking up with her very soon."

Author's Note

Sorry this chapter isn't all that exciting, but I've been kind of busy lately and this chapter is mainly about Janae and Tanner becoming ok again with one another.  Anyway, next chapter will be back to the party and everything!  Woo!  I feel like I could use a good party.  So, quick question.  Who's your favorite couple that is together, or even not together?  Just curious.. I have a tie.. :)  Thanks for reading!

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