23. The Collin Brothers

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Friday June 1

Dan's P.O.V.

            I'm standing in front of my closet trying to figure what to wear when Jake barges into my room.  I continue to search for something to wear to school, ignoring Jake.  I want to look perfect for Jocie.  Not to preppy and not to laid back.  Hm..  I could really use a girl's opinion right now. 

            "Have you ever heard of knocking?" I ask Jake.

            "Nope," he says as he walks completely into my room.

            I turn around and look at him.  "At least mom asks if I'm decent or not.  You just come right in," I say teasingly.

            "I'm your older brother.  Therefore, meaning I can do whatever I want."

            I roll my eyes at him.  "Why exactly are you in here anyway?"

            "I'm looking for my cell phone.  I seem to have misplaced it."

            "And why would it be in my room?"

            "Don't know."

            I stare at him blankly and then shake my head.  Sometimes I really don't understand him. 

            "What are you doing?"

            "Trying to figure out what to wear for tonight, so I don't have to change clothes later."

            Jake walks over to me and takes in the clothes that I'm wearing and makes a face.  "It's just a party.  Haven't you ever heard it's what's on the inside that counts?"

            I turn and face him in my button up shirt and a pair of dark jeans that are almost brand new.  "Easy for you to say.  You're not trying to impress a girl with some of the strictest parents ever."

            He shrugs.  "Don't they say pick your friends wisely?  Doesn't girlfriends apply to the same rule?"

            "Well aren't you a walking book of wisdom today."  Jake grins.  "Anyway, Jocie and I aren't dating."

            "Then what are you two?"

            "I don't know..  I guess we're a little more than friends.  Her parents are old-fashioned.  I'd have to get their permission before I ask Jocie out.."

            "So friends with benefits?"  Jake raises his eyebrows.  "Nice.  Look, I'm sure her parents aren't that bad."

            "I never said they were bad, just strict."

            "And there's a difference?"

            "What happened to your wisdom?"

           "I don't know.  I can't be smart all the time."

            "Did you ever meet her parents, anyway?"

            "No, but she tells me a lot about them and how they're very uptight."

            We look at each other for a few seconds before we both start laughing.  While Jake and I are laughing, our mom walks in the room unnoticed. 

            "Come on, it's time for school.

After School

            The school day was just like any other day, boring and tiring.  The only good thing that happened at school is that Jocie has now fully agreed to be my date.  Jake comes into my room right after school and we start working on our homework. 

            "Have you guys seen Tanner?"

            Jake and I turn to look at each other.  Nope we both say.  Tanner.  Where is he?  I haven't seen him in a long time.

            "Wait..  He's home now?"

            "Yeah, I thought you guys say him."

            "Huh..  I wonder where he is," Jake says.

            Suddenly we hear the door shut downstairs.  I'm betting that's Tanner.  Jake and I rush past our mom to go greet him.

            I reach Tanner first and we both grin as we see each other.  Tanner pulls me into a hug. 

            "How have you been doing?" Tanner asks me.

            "Pretty good.  How about you?"

            "Good, I guess."

            We pull apart and then Tanner and Jake hug.  "Where have you been?" Jake asks Tanner.


            Jake raises his eyebrows.  "With who?"

            Tanner shrugs.  Jake and I exchange a look and we both know that there is something that Tanner isn't telling us on purpose.

            "Was it a girl?" I ask him.


            "What about a girl?" our mom asks as she walks into the room.

            "Uhh..." Jake starts.  Tanner, Jake, and I all look at each other.

            "Tanner has a girlfriend," Jake finishes.

            Our mom gasps.  "Tanner!  Why didn't you tell me?"  Tanner just shrugs it off. 

            "Yes, I have a girlfriend.  Probably not for long though, and she wasn't the girl I was talking to."

            I start running through an imaginary list of girls' names that Tanner would talk to through my head and come across one that sticks out.

            "No.  You didn't," I say.

            Tanner grins.  "But I did."

            "What?!"  Jake asks.  He pauses to think about it for a little.  "Oh...  Hypocrite!"

            Tanner starts laughing.  "Yeah, I guess I am."

            The three of us look at our mom.  She looks utterly confused.  "What's going on here?"

            "Tanner was talking to Janae," I tell our mom.

            She smiles.  "Does that mean that everything is good between you to?  And what's that about you," she points a finger at Tanner "Not having a girlfriend for very long.  Who is she anyway?"

            "It's complicated," Tanner responds.

            "Huh.  That's strange.  Tanner will be losing a girlfriend and Dan is gaining one."

             Mom turns and looks at me.  "You three have some explaining to do."

            We groan, but follow our mom into the living room for one of our family chats.  The last time I was in one of these our mom gave all three of us "the talk."  I hope this isn't a repeat of that... 

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