Chapter Two

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"Harry Styles." Louis announced, staring down at the picture of the attractive dominant. He shook his head out of his daze, ignoring his sigh of relief at the fact his Dom was a boy. Louis knew that no matter the gender of the dom, he'd get his perfect match, but he was just so much more attracted to men.

He looked at the next page, seeing that the Dom was 26 and a successful CEO. His fathers company, Styles Enterprises, was passed down to him only two years ago after he passed away and it was booming with success.

Louis let his eyes scan over the small background information of the man before moving the paper to the side, biting his lip at the sight of the Doms test. Matched couples always received the tests taken by their significant other to make sure that everything was correct and that they were in fact a match. It was incredibly rare for there to be a mistake.

Louis flipped through the pages, relief blowing through him at the amount of answers that either described Louis to a T, or matched the answers the sub wrote on his own test. There was no mistake, this was the man for him.

Louis peaked up at his parents, noticing that they were scanning through the discarded pages Louis set aside, eyes bright with pride. Harry seemed to be smart and respected, causing the parents to be very proud. Their son was confirmed to be as good of a boy as they had tried to raise him to be.

The last few pages in the packet explained contact information and the basic rules that came with subs and doms meeting. Harry's address was written, making Louis' eyes widen. The man had a home in Las Angeles, New York City, and even owned an island. His primary address was the one in LA, which made Louis a bit giddy. He had never left his home in upstate New York.

"Oh Louis, he looks fantastic." Jay whimpered, wiping her eyes. Louis' father, Mark, looked prouder than Louis had ever hoped as he rubbed his subs back in order to calm her down.

"Now you just have wait for him to contact you to let you know how things will go through. It's amazing how fast the matching went through." Mark murmured, rubbing at his chin in thought. He wondered what exactly that meant.

"I can't wait to meet him," Louis sighed happily. "Oh, I'm so excited."


"Mr. Styles," Harry looked up at the knock, watching as his assistant Daphne walked inside with a stack of papers. "Your mail has been delivered."

"Daphne, why would you interrupt me just for some mail?" He scolded. This woman has been employed long enough to know his rules. He would either ask for the mail during his lunch or pick it up on his way out the door.

"Sir, I thought you'd like to see this immediately." Harry's eyes widened as she pulled a red folder out of the middle of the pile, jumping up from his chair. "You've been matched."

"Thank you very much Daphne, you may go now." He muttered, snatching the folder from her hand. He was amazed, had given up on ever being matched after waiting for six years.

Once the woman left his office Harry opened his drawer, pulling out a pocket knife and pricking his thumb with it. He pressed it against the seal and heaved out a breath when it dissolved, taking a deep breath to calm himself before opening it.

"Damn," He mumbled to himself, looking at the photo of his submissive. "Beautiful." The boy had stunning blue eyes and sharp cheekbones, the perfect picture of beauty. He looked at the bottom of the page, smiling at the name. Louis Tomlinson.

He flipped to the next page, frowning a bit at the lack of information written. It only stated that Louis was one of three siblings and lived in upstate New York. He continued reading, a rush of pride running through him as he saw the high marks his sub received in school. "What a good boy." He smiled.

He then studied the test, a wave of arousal forming in his gut at the answers Louis wrote. They were a perfect match, his sub was exceptional. Once Harry got to the page of information he immediately took note of the boys address and email.

The Dom turned his computer on, signing into his messenger in order to start an email to his sub. He wanted to meet him as soon as possible, but paused when he realized that he didn't actually know if that was possible.

"Daphne," He called out on the intercom, racking his brain for his schedule for the immediate future. Once his assistant replied, popping her head into his office, he ordered her to bring up his calendar. "What am I doing for the next, let's say, two weeks?"

"Well Mr. Styles, you are being called to New York for a gala event next Monday, but besides that, you only have a few video calls to complete the next few days."

"Perfect." Harry grinned, ignoring Daphne's surprised expression. Harry Styles wasn't known for being a dimpled cherub, being named ruthless and cut throat in his business, but it was the reason he was so successful. "Clear anything I have for the next two days, if it's important reschedule. I'm going to be meeting my sub."


A bit short, sorry about that!! But just want all this information to get out there before actually starting much of anything. If you have any questions about the story, leave a comment! I would love to talk with yall.

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