Chapter Twenty Five

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Louis woke up the next morning to gentle nudging from Harry, blinking awake into the dimly lit room. When he turned to see his dominant, the man was already fully dressed and awake.

"Whas' wrong?" Louis mumbled sleepily, rubbing at his eyes. Harry's eyes seemed to soften at the sight, pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead.

"Time for your appointment, baby. Get dressed please." Louis got up at that, nerves churning in his stomach. He was a bit scared that something serious could actually be wrong with him, since this bug was lasting so long; could no longer be classified as a simple 24 hour stomach bug.

Louis dressed quietly, watching as Harry anxiously paced through the room as he waited. Louis threw on a simple pair of leggings and one of Harry's old college hoodies, shoving a pair of Adidas Harry got him yesterday on. "I'm ready, daddy."

Harry hummed, seeming worlds away as he grabbed his hand and led him out the door, Louis keeping quiet about how hungry he actually was.

The ride to the doctors was quiet, Harry tapping at the wheel while Louis stared out the window. They were both wracked with nerves and weren't sure what exactly was about to happen.

Finally, they reached the office. Harry quickly filled out all of the paperwork for Louis and gave it back to the receptionist, commenting snidely about how this was an emergency and paperwork shouldn't make them wait.

It made Louis smile, wrapping his arms around one of Harry's to get his attention. The Dom looked grumpy as he looked down, but the look disappeared as Louis reached up and pressed a kiss to his pursed lips. "It's okay, daddy. Please relax."

"Sorry, love." Harry huffed, wrapping a strong arm around the boy. "I hate doctors."

As if on cue, the nurse peeked into the waiting room calling for Styles. It gave Louis butterflies to be called by Harry's last name.

The nurse quickly took Louis weight and height, Louis blanching at his weight gain. Only a few pounds, but still. He worked so hard to try to stay fit for Harry.

Harry was also a bit confused by the weight gain, but only because his sub has been throwing up, shouldn't he be losing weight?

"Alright, Doctor Lebowski will be in shortly." The petite woman grinned before walking out of the room.

"I need to start working out more." Louis announced, rubbing his pudge. "Sorry, sir."

"No baby, let's just worry about how to get you better first." He replied, pressing a kiss to the boys hairline as he sat on the bed in the room.

"Hello, boys." Dr. Lebowski entered the room after two quick knocks, she was a tall woman with blond hair pulled into a high ponytail. She radiated dominance. "So, Mr. Styles, you complained that your submissive was having issues with his stomach?" Harry nodded his head, motioning for Louis to explain how he was feeling.

"I've been throwing up a lot, but besides that I've been fine. Really tired and hungry, but maybe that's from something else?" He made his statement a question, feeling a bit flustered under the woman's sharp stare.

"Okay, I'm just going to take some blood, then I want you to pee and come back to sit on this bed. Understand?" She looked between the couple, watching as they both nodded their head.

Louis quickly peed in the cup given to him, only now realizing just how much he had to go to the bathroom. He was a bit queasy during the blood drawing, but it was quick enough that he didn't have to make a fool of himself.

Afterwards, the submissive laid back on the bed, frowning a bit at the large machine Dr. Lebowski was booting up and playing with next to him. "What's that?"

"We're just going to take an ultrasound of your stomach, see what's going on in there." The woman answered, looking over to Harry. "Could you pull your subs shirt up under his chest and pull his pants down a tad?" Harry looked a bit annoyed at the request, barely moving the leggings and making sure the shirt was stuck a few inches above Louis' belly button.

Typical Dom.

Dr. Lebowski rolled her eyes playfully, smirk gracing her thin lips as she subtly pulled Louis' pants down a bit more and rubbed a blue substance onto him. Louis made a curious sound at the substance, watching as the doctor pulled a wand out and began to rub it against Louis' lower stomach.

It made the submissive a bit scared that an ultrasound was deemed necessary for this situation, but he tried not to let it show-- well besides for the racing heartbeat the machine was picking up.

"Try to relax, Mr. Styles." Dr. Lebowski mumbled, eyeing the machine curiously. "Oh! There it is!"

Louis gasped at the sudden shout, staring frightened at the screen as Dr. Lebowski pointed at something. "That, boys, is your baby."


Harry fainted. He fainted right out of his position next to the bed, as soon as the doctor explained what Louis' issue was. Louis wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or scared.

It's not like he got pregnant on purpose. He agreed with the older man that babies could wait, honestly wanted to be the center of attention for a bit longer, but with this new piece of information he knew he was going to do his best to be the most amazing mother possible. With or without Harry.

Harry stirred in the chair he was sat in, Louis watching as he blinked himself awake. "You're pregnant." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, I am." Louis sighed, holding out the ultrasound the doctor had printed. "I'm six weeks along."

"So that mean it happened in November?" Harry questioned, not really expecting an answer. The only thing that he could remember from that month was his falling out with Zayn, couldn't recall forgetting a condom. Had he forgotten, or did it break?

"Sir?" Louis whimpered, causing the Dom's head to shoot up. Louis had tear filled eyes and his arms were wrapped around his stomach. "Are you upset with me?"

"God, no, pet." Harry breathed out, standing shakily in order to wrap Louis into his arms. "No matter what, we'll get through this together."

Louis could only hope.

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