Chapter Forty Two

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"Daddy," Louis hummed as he laid across their bed, watching the older man get dressed for the day. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, darling." Harry hummed, buttoning up his shirt. He wasn't going into work, wouldn't be going into the office for a few more weeks with the baby coming.

"I want to talk about what happened a few weeks ago." Louis watched as Harry froze, shaking himself off and going back to what he was doing. "I want to know what was happening. I feel like I gave you quite a bit of time before we talked about this."

"What is it you want to know, exactly?" Harry sat on the edge of the bed, Louis sitting up and moving to lean against him. Harry immediately wrapped on arm around him, as if it was instinct. Louis loved it.

"So, I've already figured that you spending time with that girl, Kendall, was for the ring. Right?" Harry nodded his head, smiling down at the boys ring finger. The dominant always played with the ring, twisting it around and grinning helplessly at it. He was proud of it. "Okay, but, still." Louis groaned, not knowing how to explain it.

"What I want to know, is why you were always gone? Like, you worked so much. And I felt like you never had time for me! And-- and there was one night, that you thought I was sleeping, and you sounded like you were angry." Louis paused, taking a deep breath. "What was going on?"

"My love," Harry turned, intertwining both his hands with Louis'. "I know that with all that happening at once, it must have been very stressful for you. Especially so deep into your pregnancy. And for that, I want to apologize. I spent time with Kendall because she's a good friend and I knew she'd get the work done. I'm so happy with how the ring turned out." He cleared his throat.

"I worked so much because I wanted to get as much done before I went on leave. That bit was sort of selfish. I get anxious when I leave work for people to do for me. Even though Liam and Niall could have completed it once I was already gone, I didn't even think to let them because I wanted to get it done." Harry kissed both the boys hands. "My assistant was under the impression that my extended hours meant I was trying to spend more time with her. I believe that's why she told you and my mother that I was never available. You know, of course, that as soon as I found out I fired her. Liam's a much better assistant." They shared a giggle at that, and Louis moved as close as possible with his large belly to give the man a hug.

"Thank you for explaining, daddy. I'm sorry I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt." Harry shook his head, completely ignoring that idea.

"No, you had every right to do what you did. And that night, my love, I wasn't angry with you. I was angry with myself because I realized how much I was prioritizing work, when that should never be the case. You, and now HJ, should and always will be my top priority." Louis sniffled a bit, nodding his head and pressing a kiss to the mans cheek.

"Okay, daddy. Thank you for talking to me about this." Harry smiled, pecking Louis' forehead before standing back up. He helped Louis stand, and rubbed the boys back where he knew it always ached.

"Are you nervous?" Louis knew why he was asking. After making his final decision to call his mother on Sunday, he had called her the following day. She begged to see him, and they had decided on today being the day. It was Wednesday, and Louis would be getting induced tomorrow at 1 pm.

It was around dinner time now, and Harry had cooked a delicious meal for Louis and the boy's parents. Harry had also invited his own parents, which made Louis less anxious. At least if things didn't work out with his own, he knew he'd always have Anne and Robin next to him and his son.

The sound of the doorbell ringing made Louis jump, and he took a shuddering breath. "I'm ready."

Harry beamed, leaning in to press their lips together. They kissed for a moment, forgetting the world around them. "God, I'm so proud of you baby." They held hands as they walked toward the front entrance, Louis holding onto the man tightly. They knew this was Louis' parents because Anne and Robin had a set of keys for the home.

Jay and Mark looked more dressed for a business dinner than a family one. Jay was wearing a button up and a black pencil skirt, black flats on her feet and hair up perfectly in a bun. Mark was similarly dressed, a white dress shirt and slacks.

"Oh, you're belly!" Jay blurted, looking teary eyed. "It's so big."

Louis bit his lip, looking between both his parents, not sure what to say. Harry coughed and held out his hand to the couple in front of him. "Hello, Jay and Mark. Please, come in." Mark shook Harry's hand, walking inside without a word, Louis' mother following obediently.

"This is a beautiful home." Mark stated, looking nervous as he picked at imaginary lint on his pants. "A great home. Are you planing on having a large family?" Louis was surprised at his fathers actions, in a good way. Mark seemed just as anxious as Louis felt.

"Yes, actually." Harry smiled, looking in his element. He loved talking about his family. "After HJ, we definitely want to have more."

"HJ?" Jay questioned, eyes wide. Mark wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"Harry Junior." Louis finally spoke up. His parents eyes shot to him. "I have a feeling that he's going to be a miniature Harry. Harry weighed about the same when Anne was pregnant with him. I wouldn't be surprised if he looked the same as well."

"Oh, that's wonderful. What an honor that must be to you, Harry." Said dominant nodded his head, looking smug. Louis rolled his eyes, what a dork.

The door opened next to them, and Anne could be heard talking loudly as she entered the room. She stopped, though, when she realized it wasn't just Harry and Louis in the entrance. "Oh! Hello!" Louis parents both hurried to stand up straight, looking even more nervous.

This should be good.


"Oh, this is all so lovely." Jay gasped quietly as she entered the nursery. Dinner had gone surprisingly well, Jay and Anne giggling like teenagers while the three dominants in the room talked about footie. It made Louis' heart grow. Maybe his baby could have both his grandparents in his life.

"Thanks," Louis grinned, rubbing his belly. "Harry hired the best of the best to decorate it. He's going to be such a good daddy."

"He sounds like it." Jay gave Louis a wistful look. "Oh, my sweet boy. I'm so sorry." She sobbed. Louis' eyes grew wide in surprise, and he walked quickly toward her to wrap his arms around her. The hug was awkward, with his large belly in the way, but Jay seemed grateful for it.

"I'm so proud of you. You're doing so well, and Harry seems like a wonderful dominant." Louis began to weep a bit, feeling emotional as he got this affection from his mother. It's been so long since he's even seen her face. "I hope that your father and I can be in your sons life."

"Of course, mummy." Louis cried, wiping at his eyes. "Of course you can be. I wouldn't want it any other way."

They continued to cry together, and that's how Anne found them. The woman smiled at the sight, putting her hand over her heart.

Everything was going to be alright.

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