Chapter Five

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Louis was ecstatic when he woke up Friday morning, knowing his Dom would be picking him up shortly to take him shopping.

He hadn't gone shopping in so long. His father never believed in spoiling him, or his mother for that matter. They didn't want Louis getting used to it.

But here was his Dom, his sweet, perfect Dom, offering to take him shopping to buy whatever he wanted. And Harry even wanted to bring him to an event!

Louis got dressed quickly, pairing a long sleeved pink top with some tight jeans and a jacket. Harry hadn't made any comment on his outfit yesterday, and didn't ask for anything specific today so he would just keep wearing what he usually did.

After Louis was done getting ready he ran downstairs, smiling when he saw his mom walking around the kitchen. "Good morning momma."

"Hey, honey." Jay grinned, pressing a kiss to Louis' cheek. She looked exceptionally happy, which Louis was confused over. "Guess what?"

"What?" Louis asked, picking up a plate of toast and eggs. He paused before taking a bite, a bit nervous. Would Harry care if he ate before they went out?

"-and it's been so long, I'm just so happy." Louis shook his head, pulling himself out of his daze. He didn't even realize his mom had been talking.

"I'm sorry mom, what did you say?" He questioned, setting down his food and grabbing his cell phone out of his pocket. It was a small thing, just a phone that ran on minutes. Mark would give him a set amount every week since Louis only needed it for a few calls or texts every once in awhile.

From: Louis
To: Harry
Hi daddy, should I eat before you pick me up?

"Your sisters are visiting!" Louis froze, his face paling at the news. His mom didn't notice, going on about how excited she was for their arrival, while Louis was shaking in his seat. Louis had two older sisters, the oldest was Madison, and she was a Dom while his other sister Emma was a sub. Madison was an extremely strict Dom, and Louis' childhood was spent being constantly ridiculed by her until she moved out. Mark raised Emma to be high maintenance, she looked down on other subs and thought she was better than everyone. She didn't make Louis' childhood any easier.

Mark tried to turn Louis into them as well, but stopped when he realized just how submissive the boy was naturally. Mark had tired himself out molding his other kids, he stopped caring by the time Louis became a teenager.


From: Harry
To: Louis
Don't worry about eating, we can get some food before we go shopping. I'll be there soon, pet. Be ready.

Louis' head became less crowded after reading the message, relaxing at the idea of spending the whole day with his Dom. Who knows, Louis would probably be gone by the time his sisters visited anyways. "When will they be here?"

"Madison will be here tomorrow morning, and Emma is coming on Tuesday." Louis bit his lip, he'd only really have to deal with Emma for a day, and Madison for only one as well because of he and Harry's plans. He should be fine.

A knock on the door interrupted Louis and his mother, and the small boy jumped up to go answer it. "Hey, baby." Harry gave Louis a small smile, bending to press a kiss to the subs forehead. "Are you ready to go?" Louis nodded his head, slipping on his sneakers and waving goodbye to his mother before following Harry to the car in the driveway.

"How has your morning been, Louis?" Harry questioned as he started driving, placing a hand on his subs thigh. Harry frowned as his sub sighed, wringing his small hands together.

"My mom told me my sisters are visiting." Harry could tell that this wasn't a happy occasion for Louis, but waited for the sub to explain further. "They're terrible to me. I don't want to see them." Harry's eyes widened when he saw Louis rub at his eyes, sniffling.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Harry pulled over, ignoring the angry honking that was coming from the car that was driving behind them.

"They're so mean! They hate me and I just get so sad when they get home. I just can't wait to live with you daddy, and we can be happy together." Harry was becoming angry, furious that two people could cause his sub to cry just by the mention of their names. What did they do to his boy? "I'm sorry for crying, sir."

"If you have a reason to cry, you may cry Louis. Don't hide your emotions from me. Thank you for being honest and telling me what was wrong." Louis smiled a bit, content with the fact that his Dom was happy with him. "Now let's go shopping, princess. You deserve to be a bit spoiled today."


Louis was in heaven. Harry was carrying several bags from different stores, and was still urging Louis to shop. At first the submissive had been reluctant, not sure if he had a spending limit or a time limit; he wasn't really sure how his Dom ticked yet. But Harry was being so nice and gentle, not caring when Louis  bashfully picked up a skirt or fawned over a pair of vans. If Louis looked at it for more than a second, it was his.

"I think I'm okay, daddy. You spent a lot of money." Louis bit his lip, a picture of the receipt from the last store ($484.62) flashing through his mind.

"At least one more store baby, come here. Let me show you." Louis was confused, until he realized where his Dom took him. Victoria's Secret.

"Oh daddy! Really? I can go inside?" Louis was buzzing in his skin. He had always wanted to go inside and buy something pretty but his parents said he couldn't every time they passed by the store.

"You can buy as much as you want. But I want you to try on a few things before buying them." Harry's eyes grew a bit dark, just thinking about his sub trying on some pretty panties and lace nighties.

"Daddy you're the best." Harry couldn't help but chuckle as his subs chin wobbled, his baby was so grateful for everything he got.

Harry gave his bum a pat, urging Louis inside the store. Louis zoned out as soon as he walked in, walking up to a table filled with some lacey underwear called Cheeksters. His daddy told him to get as much as he wanted, so he grabbed a bag from one of the workers and threw a couple of everything, up until he reached a side of the store that no longer sold panties.

There were pretty dresses everywhere, and stockings and bras. Louis was drawn to a specific dress, it was see through and red, a silk robe hung next to it. "That's beautiful, pet. I want you to try it on." Louis jumped at his doms husky voice, before nodding his head and grabbing the robe and nightie. He grabbed his bag full of panties and went to the dressing room, he and his Dom able to go in together.

Harry sat on a chair in the corner, watching as Louis stripped out of his clothing. "Come here." Harry ordered once Louis was stripped to his panties, a blue thong. "You're so pretty, baby." Harry hummed as he ran his hands up and down Louis' body. Louis shivered at his doms touch, arousal swimming through him as his Dom gripped his bum, groaning as a long finger slipped into his crack. "So pretty."

Harry moved away, motioning for Louis to put the dress on. Louis did so in a daze, turned on and pliant after the sensual touching. Once the dress was on and the robe wrapped around him, he turned back around only to be pushed against the wall. "Daddy?"

"God, baby." Harry groaned, pressing his body onto Louis'. "You look so good, make daddy want you so much." Louis' breath hitched, feeling Harry's cock rub against his stomach.

"Daddy." Louis whimpered, before Harry pressed their mouths together. It was their first kiss, and it was hot and wet and everything Louis had ever wanted.

Harry began to grind against Louis, grunting into the kiss as he grabbed a handful of Louis' ass. "You feel so good, can't wait to get inside of you baby." Louis keened, feeling himself get closer and closer to an orgasm. They continued to grind against one another until they both came, loud moans of each other's names passing through their lips.

"Perfect baby." Harry mumbled, pressing his lips against Louis' once more.

Did Louis mention he was in Heaven?

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