Chapter Thirty Nine

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"This place is stunning." Niall complimented, taking a sip of his champagne. Louis watched enviously, biting at his thumb nail. "I should try to convince Gem that we need an upgrade."

Louis giggled at the thought. "For some reason, I can't picture you being able to convince Gemma of much."

"You're right." Niall grinned, setting down the glass. "She's stubborn. I'm too impatient to actually work to convince her of anything either."

Winnie ran into the kitchen, and Louis pouted as the puppy attempted to jump at him. "Sorry, princess. Mummy can't play with you."

"That dog is so spoiled." Niall cackled in disbelief. "I still can't believe Harry got her for you. I never pictured Harry as a matched dominant with a puppy, and a baby on the way, that's for sure."

"Hey," Louis drawled, biting the carrot in his hand. "Keep my hubbys name outta your mouth."

"There goes that word again." Niall rolled his eyes before giggling. "You love saying that."

"You're right, I do." Louis grinned, no shame at all. He was engaged, damn it. To Harry of all people. He had every right to be a show off.

"Have you gotten the nursery set up?" Louis nodded his head, bright grin on his face. He was now thirty seven weeks pregnant, and was ready to pop. The doctor said HJ looked awfully comfortable, though, which made Louis a bit disgruntled. He wanted to have his boy now.

"Yes, everything is so beautiful. Harry pulled out all the stops for it, honestly. Hired an awesome decorator, and gave me all rights to planning it. He's definitely a keeper." The dominant had given Louis more freedom as of late, especially when it came to calling him by his first name. Louis always got so flustered calling the man daddy in front of people he didn't know very well-- or worst of all, Harry's family members.

"Well, let's see!" Niall urged, backing away from the island. "Hold my hand for the way, though. I don't want to get lost in this maze."

"Leave my beautiful home alone." Louis stuck his tongue out in retaliation. So what if the home was a bit extravagant, it was the perfect size for the family they were going to create together. And it included everything they could ever ask for.

"Wow," Niall snickered as they entered the baby room. "Quite the theme."

"Hush," Louis flushed a bright red. "you sound like Harry."

"I do not understand how someone could be so obsessed with one theme. You literally named your dog Winnie." Niall schooled his face into something serious and folded his fingers together. "Louis, I think you have a serious problem."

"Leave me alone." Louis whined, trying to hide his giggles. "I love Winnie the Pooh."

"I think everyone knows that now!" Niall cackled. Louis joined him, hands resting on his large belly.

"Hello, boys." Harry called from the doorway. Both submissives jumped at the voice, Louis grinning widely at the sight of the man. "Having fun?"

"Missed you." Louis hummed, waddling over toward the man and wrapping his arms around his neck. "How was work?"

"Exhausting, but now I'm free for a while." He murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to the boys lips. "How are you, Niall? Is my sister around?"

"No, was just visiting." He grinned. "I'm actually gonna head out now. Beautiful house, by the way!"

"Thank you." Harry replied, before the couple said their goodbyes. Niall showed himself out, leaving the pair in the nursery.

"I love this room." Louis mumbled, content to lean his weight on Harry. "It's exactly what I pictured."

"That's all I wanted, was for you to be completely happy with it, princess." He nuzzled the boys neck before stepping away, intertwining their hands. "Did you like Ms. Vandel? She's quite eccentric, but she knows what she's doing when it comes to decoration."

"I loved her!" Louis exclaimed. "She worked so hard to get everything together, so quickly. We talked a bit about the wedding too. I want to hire her to decorate whatever venue we decide on. She had amazing ideas."

"Sounds wonderful, baby." Harry was making the sappiest face in the world as he said it, leading the boy back toward the kitchen. "Now, would you like to order in food or is there something you'd like me to cook?"

Because of Louis' dizzy spells and swollen ankles, Harry pretty much banned any and all activities that required long periods of standing up or walking. It wasn't much of a bother, really. Louis was able to catch up on a lot of his old shows and read a few good books while he was off his feet.

"I want pizza." Louis pouted. "A huge pizza please. Extra cheese and can I have pickles on my half?"

"Anything for you." Harry chuckled, rubbing Louis' large belly. "I love the cravings HJ gives you."

"He's a strange baby." Louis grinned. "Blueberries, carrots, and pickles. I'm gonna be so grossed out whenever I see those things after I have him."

"At least we can get a head start on what baby food flavors to get him." Louis laughed, unashamedly loud at the thought. He gasped, though, because of how the movement tugged at his sore chest.

"Are you okay, love?" Harry questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "Is it the baby?"

"No," Louis groaned, throwing his head back and stomping his foot. "I think I'm finally going to begin lactating, though."

They had had a discussion earlier in the week about how Louis hasn't shown any signs of producing milk, and they've spent countless late nights researching healthy formulas for HJ since Louis figured he couldn't do it himself.

But here he was. Leaking down one of Harry's shirts.

"Well, this is a good thing at least, right?" Harry giggled like a child. "Now HJ can have the best of the best. What a good mummy you are, baby."

Even though the statement was a bit teasing, Louis still preened. He was a damn good mummy already.

Also, don't forget to please check out my new fic Heartbeat! It's gonna be dirty and fun; I'm so excited.

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