Chapter Twenty Six

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It was New Years Eve and Louis was getting ready for Harry's work party. It's only been a few days since he found out he was pregnant, and he honestly couldn't figure out how Harry really felt about it all.

The dominant didn't seem angry, or sad, or even happy. It would almost seem like the whole thing didn't happen if it wasn't for Harry's hawk eye on him at all times, making sure he was eating right and not doing anything too dangerous.

It made Louis a bit embarrassed, and ashamed, like it was a hardship for his dominant and he was a bad sub for getting pregnant.

But, he knows that his son or daughter will be loved with all of his being no matter what. Louis didn't want his baby to grow up like he did, a brutal dominant figure and cruel relatives all around. He wanted his baby to be brought up in a happy home, surrounded by love.

He just hoped Harry would be in this vision with him.

Louis was wearing a fitted suit, pants a bit tight around his tummy, but he could deal with it for the night. He wanted to look perfect for Harry, was craving the dominants attention.

"Louis?" Harry's voice carried through the house, making the submissive jump. "Are you ready yet darling?" The dominant questioned as he entered the bedroom.

"Almost, sir. I'm just putting on a little makeup." Louis explained, dabbing on some lip gloss and mascara, having already done a light smokey eye already.

"You look gorgeous, baby." Harry hummed in appreciation, pressing a kiss to the smaller mans cheek. "Are you sure those pants are okay for you to wear tonight? I want you to be comfortable. I'm unsure when we'll return home."

"Yes, I'm fine." Louis mumbled, trying his best not to chew on his lower lip and mess up his makeup already. He wasn't even sure if he was allowed to talk about the baby.

"Can't wait to show you off tonight. You look ravishing." Harry grinned, dimples forming craters in his cheeks. The compliment made Louis giggle, relief flooding through him at the realization that Harry wasn't mad at him. At least, not currently.

The drive to the party was a short one, and once they got out of the car and walked towards the large skyscraper of a building, people started flocking to the couple immediately.

"Mr. Styles, how nice to see you tonight!" A large man with an even bigger beard chuckled in delight, holding out a hand for Harry to shake.

A petite woman was attached to his arm, wearing nothing but lingerie and a black fur coat. Her hair was in a bob, her thick curls forming a curtain in her face.

They were, in short, an odd looking match.

"and this is my sub, Louis." Harry introduced, making Louis snap out of it, small smile on his face.

"What a pretty thing." The older woman purred, waving at Louis. "He matches you perfectly, Harry."

The interaction made Louis confused. Who was the Dom and who was the sub?

"Oh," the woman's eyes gleamed excitedly, grabbing one of Louis', then one of Harry's hands. "You're expecting." Louis sucked in a breath at the comment, refusing to glance at Harry.

"Yes, you caught us." Harry chuckled, making Louis relax slightly. "It amazes me how observant you are, Annie."

"More than observant, of course." The woman smirked. "I'm sure you'll have a beautiful, bouncing baby-- oh. Well, we should get going. Shouldn't we, darling?" Annie cut herself off with a short giggle, the man she was with nodding his head happily.

"We shall see you both later." The man stated before they both walked away.

Once they were a few feet away Louis gave a questioning glance to his dominant. "Who were they, daddy?"

"Unmatchables, baby." Louis gasped, sad at the term. "Great people, and they've found a home within each other. Really, they deserve soulmates more than anyone."

If The Calculator couldn't pair you with anyone, you were deemed Unmatchable. Those who were given the term are said to live unhappy lives, and the suicide statistic for they was alarmingly high.

Annie and the other man looked happy enough. But if nothing else, Louis knew how easy it was to pretend.

Harry brought Louis around everywhere, mingling with different colleagues and wishing a more prosperous year to each other.

By the time the clock struck eleven, Louis was dead on his feet. He was about ready to go find a dark corner and fall asleep. His pants were tight, his back and feet hurt, and he had to pee. Again. Being in such a social setting really exhausted the boy.

"How about we go enjoy the ball drop at home, my love?" Louis jumped at the strong arms around his waist. "I had a feeling you would get tired like this. It's normal for you to be lethargic and nauseas in the pregnancy, especially in the first trimester." Louis' eyes got wet with tears at the information. How did Harry know that?

"I'm sorry I've been distant, my darling. It's just been very hectic. But I do love you, and I love our baby." Louis turned in his arms, bursting into tears.

"Rapid mood changes are also quite common." Harry giggled. Giggled. Where was this coming from? "Come on, if we leave now we can be nice and comfortable in our pajamas for the New Year."


Only a short while later Louis found himself standing in his closet, suit hanging in the corner as he searched for one of his dominants abandoned college tshirts.

He pulled one off the hanger, but before he could slip it on, warm hands were placed on his stomach. Louis jumped at Harry's sudden appearance, not expecting him.

"You're stomach is hard." Harry announced in awe. He pressed harder on the pudge, making Louis grin. "God, baby. You're really having my baby." Harry laughed, and when Louis turned, he was surprised to see tears in the Dom's eyes.

"We're gonna be a family." Louis hummed, wiping under the older mans eyes. "Me, you, and our baby."

"Our baby." Harry whispered.

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