Chapter Thirty One

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It was now late April and Louis was a balloon.

Not really. But like, he swears that he went to bed just a night or two ago with only a little bump, and now he's looking at himself in the mirror and all he sees is belly.

Round, big, belly.

Has Harry noticed how big he's gotten? Louis grimaced at the thought, before shaking it out of his head.

He was pregnant with Harry's baby. If Harry had an issue with Louis' weight gain, he could fuck right the fuck off.

With the new found confidence, Louis stomped out of the closet before stopping short, looking around.

He had definitely been doing something before he got distracted by his own reflection.

Which, actually, is another topic that needs to be discussed. He was forgetting everything. He felt like his eighty year old nan, that's how forgetful he was. Or maybe even closer to a fly. They have really short attention spans.

Or-- wait. No. He was trying to figure out what he had been doing.

"Baby? Are you ready yet?" Louis squealed at the interruption, finally remembering. He was now 24 weeks pregnant, and he was finally going to find out what he was having.

His little prince or princess had been a right brat the last appointment; keeping their legs tightly closed so there was no way of finding out. But Louis had a good feeling about today.

He quickly dressed himself in black leggings and an old Rolling Stones shirt of Harry's, slipping on a black jacket and flats to compete the look. Lately he only ever worried about comfort rather than cuteness.

With that thought he slipped on a bit of mascara and lip gloss before walking carefully down the starts where Harry was waiting.

"Damn, baby." Harry's eyes darkened at the sight of Louis waddling down the stairs. "You look so sexy."

"Sexy?" Louis grimaced. "Who are you, again?"

"Don't be like that you brat." Harry scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "You know I think the pregnancy has made you even sexier than before. I never thought it'd be possible."

"I think you're just now realizing that you have a pregnancy kink." Louis giggled, wrapping his arms around his Dom's neck.

"No, I have a Louis kink." He chuckled, nibbling at the boys neck. Louis let out a stream of giggles at the reply, trying to push the mans sharp teeth away from his sensitive skin. "Alright, baby. Let's go see if our baby wants to show us who they are."

"Come on, little HJ. I don't care if you're a boy or a girl. I just want you to be a happy, healthy little bean. Which, so far you are just that. Maybe a little too healthy." Louis side eyed Harry as the man walked them to one of his cars. "Just like your daddy."

"Hey, I wasn't that big of a baby!" Harry pouted. He was in such a playful mood lately, it made Louis' heart soar.

"Anne said that you were almost ten pounds, daddy!" Louis groaned. "Nine pounds coming out of little old me? I'll need stitches for sure." He grumbled the last bit, watching as Harry paled.

"Stitches? Would you really need them? What if the baby ends up being too big? Will they hurt you? What if--"

"Daddy," Louis chuckled, shaking his head. His Dom opened the passenger side door, still visibly concerned. "We have three more months to worry about this. And honestly, I don't think there would be too much to worry about anyways. If your mom could do it for you, I can do it for our baby."

"Oh, princess," Harry's face softened. He pulled Louis into a heart stopping kiss, before helping him climb into the Range Rover. "I love you."


"Well would you look at that!" Dr. Lebowski cooed as she placed the ultrasound wand on Louis' lower belly. "Someone is showing right off today!"

"Really?" Louis gasped, trying to keep still on the bed. Harry's eyes widened, leaning forward.

"Oh, definitely. So, just to make sure, you both want to know the gender right?"

"Yes!" Louis practically shouted. Dr. Lebowski gave a hearty laugh at that, nodding her head in understanding.

"Well you two are definitely having a boy, as you can see here." Harry smirked at the screen, and Louis couldn't help but giggle at his pride.

"Takes after his father." Louis smirked, watching as Harry blushed. "I have a question, Dr."

"Louis, call me Cathy. You call me enough." She winked. Harry eyed her.

"Sorry, just a concerned mother." He wasn't really all that sorry. "But I wanted to ask how big you think HJ is gonna end up? My belly really ballooned, and Harry's mother said she was around the same weight at this point with Harry, and he was almost a whopping ten pounds."

"Well I'm afraid I'll have to agree with that. He is quite a large baby already, and he's still got plenty of a ways to go in terms of growth."

"Oh great, thanks a lot." Louis frowned. But really, he was excited about the news. He was growing a big healthy Harry Styles baby.

He couldn't imagine ever being happier.

This is short but just a filler! I'm gonna update again tonight or tomorrow. Sorry it's been so long babes, I'll try to get better with it xx

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