Chapter Twenty Two

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Louis was freaking out.

He had woken up at four in the morning to harsh cramping, and decided that he would just stay awake anyways.

It was the 23rd, and Harry's family was coming today.

A few nights ago was Harry's office party, and it was amazing. Harry introduced Louis to his coworkers, and people he was in partnerships with. When they weren't mingling, they were dancing, and it was such a beautiful night. It got him really into the holiday spirit.

But now it was back to reality, and Louis was frowning down at his aching stomach while taking a short break from scrubbing at the floors.

It was eight now, and breakfast was cooking while he was cleaning. Harry had told him yesterday that the house looked magnificent, but the submissive couldn't help but feel inadequate still.

"Louis?" He heard his dominant yell. The boy jumped, looking up at the man in front of him. "What are you doing? How long have you been awake?"

"A couple hours." Louis answered sheepishly. Harry sighed, rubbing his face with his hands before leaning down and picking the boy up.

"Why did you wake up so early? You're overworking yourself, princess." Harry frowned, holding him up by his thighs.

"My stomach hurt, so I couldn't go back to sleep." He attempted to explain, wrapping his skinny arms around Harry's neck. "Sorry daddy."

"Well I want you to go ahead and take a nap. This house has never looked so perfect, darling. My family will be amazed." Harry stated, pecking his subs lips several times before letting him stand on his feet. "So go on, I don't want to see your pretty face for at least two hours."

Louis blushed, letting out a small yawn. "Okay, daddy. Night."


The next time Louis woke up, it was to the sound of Christmas music and laughing from downstairs.

The submissive gasped, looking at the clock to see it was now past noon. Why had he slept for so long?

He quickly got out of bed, bracing himself when he was put under a dizzy spell after moving so fast. He hoped he wasn't getting sick.

He took a shower, shaving his whole body and moisturizing himself so that he was tanned and soft all over.

Once he was out he searched through his closet worriedly. What should he wear? What would Harry's family like?

Before he could succumb to his tears, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his tiny waist.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Harry mumbled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to wear." Louis answered, feeling a little ashamed. "Can you help me, sir?"

"Of course." Harry smiled, leaning down to kiss his submissive. After their kiss he walked around him, grabbing a size too large cream sweater and a pair of leggings. "Go ahead and get pretty for me, baby. I'll be downstairs waiting."

Louis watched his Dom swagger out of the room, listening to the sound of women talking when he opened the door. He could hear Anne's distinct voice, and that made a bit of his nerves wash away. At least Harry's mom liked him.

He got dressed quickly, even doing some light makeup and finding some accessories to wear. He wanted to make a good impression of everyone.

When he walked downstairs he was quickly pulled into a hug, grinning when he realized it was Harry's mother.

"Oh Louis, you look fantastic! And the house is stunning. I've never seen it look so good." The woman rambled, making Louis beam.

"Oh, Anne. Let the boy breathe." Robin chuckled, giving Louis a quick hug as well. "It's nice to see you again."

"You both as well." The submissive flushed happily. There was hushed noise in the kitchen before Harry walked out of the room, big grin on his face.

"Hey baby." He cooed, wrapped an arm around the boys waist. "My sister and her sub are here. Ed and his sub should be coming any minute now."

Geeze, a family of dominants. Louis hoped they were all as sweet as Harry was as a Dom.

"Lou, this is my big sister Gemma and you've already met her sub Niall." Louis smiled at the boy, surprised that he was a submissive. He worked at Harry's company and came over for dinner once when they had first gotten matched. He was very loud and sweet.

"Nice to see you again Lou!" Niall exclaimed, tucked under Gemma's arm.

"It's nice to finally put a face to the name. It's like I'm the only one who hasn't met you." Gemma seemed sweet, a gentle smile on her face as she sat back in a button down and high waisted black skirt, hand rubbing circles into Niall's thigh.

"I also feel that way!" Louis jumped at the new voice, watching as Harry rolled his eyes, smile still on his face.

They looked at the new guests, a tall boy with curly blonde hair (just like Gemma) and a petite girl at his side.

"Hey bro." The boy grinned, dimples that matched Harry's appearing.

"Hello, Edward." Harry chuckled, pulling Louis closer to him. "This is my Louis. Baby, this is my little brother and his submissive Barbara."

Louis excused himself to begin cooking shortly after the introductions, feeling especially relieved. Not only was everyone happy and sweet, but he had never seen Harry so content. The dominant obviously loved his family a lot.

A cramp made Louis break out of his day dream, rubbing at the pudge of his stomach hidden by his sweater. He would have to make an appointment with the doctor soon.


(PS I posted a new story about Alpha triplets if any of you are interested!!)
((PPS please leave comments and votes)) xx

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