Chapter Thirty Three

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"I want gender neutral colors like yellows, oranges, or greens." Louis hummed, biting at the cap of his pen as he looked at the checklist in front of him. "Obviously, I don't want anyone to get any ideas of what I'm having."

"I can't even know?" Anne pouted, making her daughter that was seated next to her in the booth laugh. "Oh, hush Gemma."

"Ma, you're being a right pain." The dominant chuckled. Anne nudged her with her elbow, making Louis and Barbara who were across from them giggle.

Harry's family were very excited over the news of a baby being born into the family, and were all quick to volunteer their help. It originally was just going to be Louis, Anne, and Barbara all meeting for lunch since everyone else had work, but Harry was adamant that a dominant be there as well.

"No hints." Louis grinned, patting his belly. "I want it to be a happy surprise for everyone."

"Surprise or not, I'll be happy." Anne winked, before clearing her throat. "Alright, darling, so what food would you like served? Harry mentioned something about a barbecue?"

"I want it to be small and cozey. Friends and family eating and talking. And more eating." Barbara giggled next to him, placing a small hand on Louis' belly that showed through his button up.

"You're absolutely glowing, Lou. Honestly, you look amazing pregnant." She sighed, twinkle in her eye. "Me and Eddy are planning on waiting a bit longer. We both agreed we'd like to grow up a bit more, travel a bit. We're both so happy for you and Harry, though."

"Thanks, Babs." Louis sniffled, trying to hold back from another hormonal outburst. He has already cried twice today. (Once because Harry accidentally woke him while getting ready to go into the office, and second because there was no more blueberries in the house)

"I second that." Gemma winked, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm just happy to know that I'm going to have beautiful grandbabies." Anne hummed, taking a bite out of her salad.


"Hold on, I don't want to buy anything until Harry actually sees it." Louis frowned, noticing Gemma going towards the box that stated Check Out. "We can do that when he gets home."

"Why?" Gemma questioned, raising her eyebrow. The two were currently sitting in the kitchen, swinging their feet as they drank and looked online for things for the party. (Gemma was sipping some champagne while Louis drank orange juice) ((it was his biggest craving currently, even though it gave him heart burn))

"I want him to be involved with every step of this." The submissive blushed. "It's our baby, and it's really important for this to be us as a unit. I want us to be happy together, I don't want us to end up like my own family." Louis sighed, rubbing his temples.

"That's amazing, Lou." Gemma smiled, rubbing the small boys back. "You're an amazing submissive. I'm happy you were matched with my brother."

"Thanks Gem, so am I." He sniffled once more before rubbing at his eyes, giggling. "Wow, that was way too serious for me. What should I order for dinner?"

Niall, Robin and Anne were all in the den, watching some sort of sport that was playing and talking. The two couples were going to stay for dinner, because Louis wanted to thank them for all their help.

"None of us are really picky." Gemma shrugged, before jumping up. "Actually, I know a really good place. I know exactly what to get, I'll go order it."

"Okay," Louis shrugged. "Take your brothers card." The blonde nodded her head with a smile, taking her phone and the credit card and flouncing out of the room, leaving Louis to his own devices.

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