Chapter Forty Three

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just a reminder to my extra critique-y readers: you are reading about a man giving birth. this obviously isn't going to be realistic.

Everything was not alright.

Louis had woken up at four in the morning on Thursday to contractions that made him cry.

Of course, his baby would choose to be born the day he was getting forced out.

Louis shoved at Harry in the bed, trying to relax and count out the minutes between contractions. "Harry wake up!" He shouted, getting annoyed. He was in pain, damn it.

"What-- what happened?" Harry questioned groggily, slowly sitting up. "Baby, you okay?"

"The baby is coming." Louis whined, sniffling. "We have to go right now." Harry's eyes opened dramatically, and he immediately jumped out of bed and raced to Louis' side.

"How are the contractions, baby?" Harry questioned, holding out his hands to help the boy up. "How are you feeling?"

"I just want to hold my baby." Louis whimpered. Harry cooed sympathetically once he saw the wetness in the mans pants. "My water broke."

"We really have to go then." Harry took a deep inhale, before rushing to the closet. He slipped on a pair of joggers and a baggy shirt, grabbing the same for Louis. They both had a change of clothes packed in the baby bag already, so he grabbed that before going back to Louis. He slipped both of their phones into it, and helped Louis get changed.

In the middle of slipping on the joggers Louis got a contraction, and he dug his finger nails into Harry's shoulder. He made sure to keep quiet, not wanting to admit to any pain. Louis' body was literally in the middle of trying to push out a human being.

Once Harry made sure they had everything, he helped Louis to the car, feeling a bit proud of himself for installing the car seat the day before.

"Please, call our parents. But, call Dr. Lebowski, first please. She needs to be there. I need her to be there." Louis was attempting to stay calm, and do his breathing exercises. But, it wasn't really helping much.

"God, baby," Harry looked over at him in shock, driving as fast as he could. "you're doing so good. So calm, and still so polite when I know you're in so much pain. Best wife I could have."

"You're damn right." Louis groaned loudly, clenching his hand against the middle console. "God, I want him out."

"And you'll have him, princess. Soon, I promise." Harry tried his best to console him, relieved at the empty streets they were driving down. At least HJ came at a good time where there was no traffic.

The sun was rising, lighting up the sky. It kind of seemed like a sign to Louis.


Six hours of labor later, it was ten forty eight, and Louis was holding a bloody baby in his arms.

A beautiful baby boy with chubby cheeks and a cry that showed just how angry he was to be taken out of his mothers stomach.

Louis was in awe, looking down at the baby that was in his stomach for almost a year. He had this human being in his stomach.

Harry was getting shown how to cut the umbilical chord and Louis is pretty sure he's going into shock. He knew he was having a baby, but he realizes he didn't fully comprehend it would be his baby.

Once Harry was done, the man quickly rushed to Louis. His baby mama made giving birth look easy. He had a son now, his own little family.

Their little bubble was quickly interrupted, though, when a nurse apologetically explained that she did need to take their son to run some tests and clean him up. Louis handed him over reluctantly, and as soon as he was out of his arms, felt a sudden rush of exhaustion.

"Daddy?" Louis hummed, yawning. Harry smiled softly down at him, wiping at his sweaty forehead. "What was he? A Dom or sub?"

"I don't know yet, princess. But I'll wait to find out with you. How does that sound?" Louis gave him a wide grin, nodding his head. "Now, close your eyes and try to get some sleep. You've done the most amazing thing possible just now, princess. Relax."

Louis did so without any complaints.


The next time Louis woke up, it was to the door of his recovery room opening. He tried his best to sit up, wanting to find his baby, but gasped when he felt a certain soreness in the bottom half of his body.

Harry was sleeping in a chair next to his bed, and Louis immediately started hitting at his arm once he realized a nurse was in the room bringing in his baby.

"What?" Harry yawned, stretching himself out. He was out of the mint green scrubs he had to wear for the birth, and looked relaxed and sexy in his sweats and white tshirt. His biceps bulged against the sleeves, and Louis had to shake his head to get the idea out of his head. Six weeks, they had to wait.

"Good afternoon, boys." The woman grinned. Louis racked his brain to remember her name, feeling worse and worse as he realized he had completely forgotten.

"Hello, Miss. Teri." Harry smiled. Of course, Louis rolled his eyes. His fiancé, the business man. He couldn't forget a face if his life depended on it. "Is that our boy?"

Our boy. This was their boy.

"Yes it is, Mr. Styles!" The pretty woman grinned, reaching into the bassinet to pick up their son. "Now, I'm sorry, but I always give the baby to the mother first."

"Good thinking, ma'am." Louis giggled at Harry's disgruntled face. When the woman let Louis hold him, he let out a little gasp.

Louis knew he was beautiful; of course he did, it was he and Harry's son for goodness sake. But, he definitely didn't expect this pretty little bundle.

He could see, even with his boy so bloody and dirty before, that he already had thick hair and a chubby face. But now, with his boys light brown hair, and big blue eyes on full display, Louis was taken aback.

"God, look at him." Harry breathed out. Louis flinched at the noise, having forgotten he was even there. "What is he, princess? Can we see, please?"

Louis nodded his head with a big smile. It dropped quickly, and he turned to look at Harry with a stern look on his face. "No matter if he's a sub or Dom, you better not treat him any differently, Harold."

"Of course not." Harry looked a bit offended, which made Louis giggle. He knew his man wouldn't, but he had to make sure it was said. This was his little baby boy in his arms right now.

The nurse, Teri, picked the baby back up, holding his head upright in order to see the back of his neck.

There, as clear as day, was a black X.

His boy was a dominant.

I never thought this fic would get this much love when I first started it, thank you for 5k xxxxx

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