Chapter Sixteen

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When Louis next woke up, he felt like death. His eyes were itchy and swollen, and his throat was sore.

He was in he and Harry's bed, could feel Harry laying besides him. He could tell Harry was awake, and it made Louis want to go back to sleep.

Now that Louis knew the truth, Harry wasn't going to waste his time. Or maybe he'd force Louis to stay and become his maid. Louis sniffled, freezing when he realized what he had just done.

"Baby?" Harry cooed, the bed moving as the man moved towards Louis. Harry looked how Louis felt, his hair a mess and tear tracks down his face. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine." Louis glared, sitting up and leaning away from his dominant. His body was sore, like he slept wrong, but he didn't make any move to stop.

"No, please," Harry shouted, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist before he could get too far. "baby, I can explain everything."

Louis was confused at the outburst, reluctantly letting himself get pulled back in the bed. Harry wrapped him up in the warm blankets and set up the pillows behind him, making Louis even more startled.

Why was Harry acting like this?

"Okay, so I had been involved with a woman before." Louis didn't like where this was going, felt tears well up in his eyes for the hundredth time in only 24 hours. "But baby, it was nothing serious. I promise, baby, please. You're my soulmate. No one else."

"Than why did you get involved with her? You had to know you'd get matched eventually Harry. Did you really not care about what your sub would think?"

"No, Lou, that's what I mean," Harry was beginning to look desperate, kneeling on the bed and gripping Louis' thigh through the sheets. "I didn't understand subs. I didn't understand what it would feel like once I finally got matched. I had met her at a conference I went to with my father, before the company got passed to me, and-- and that's that. But baby it's been long over, I couldn't develop feelings for her."

Louis didn't know what to say, or think. He was so hurt that Harry would do such a thing in the first place, and honestly wasn't really understanding his explanation.

"Now that I've met you, Louis, I finally understand how powerful the Calculator really is. You're perfect for me, princess. I've never wanted to be someone's daddy so bad." He cooed, reaching out to cup the submissives cheek.

Louis took a deep breath, moving his face from Harry's hand in order to rub his eyes. "I need time, Harry. I don't know what to do right now. I'm sad." Harry sighed, nodding his head.

"I just wanted you to know how I felt, baby. I don't want you to leave me." Louis nodded his head, frown growing on his face.

"I'm not leaving you, Harry. At least not right now. Could I please just have time? I would like to go back to bed." Harry nodded his head eagerly, moving like he was going to kiss the sub but changed his mind last minute.

"You're right, love. Go ahead and go back to sleep, it's late. I'll take off work tomorrow and we can relax, okay?" He pet Louis' thigh once more before reaching over and turning off the light, laying down.

The space between them felt suffocating.


The next time Louis woke up, the sun was shining and he was alone. After looking around and finding his phone, he gasped at the fact it was so late. He had slept in so much-- he was going to get in trouble for sure.

He hopped out of bed and took a quick shower, putting on a pair of lace panties and leggings, stealing a sweater from Harry's closet.

Once he was dressed he raced downstairs, only to freeze at the smell of breakfast. There was the sound of pots and pans in the kitchen, and voices that got louder and louder the closer he got.

There was a woman at the stove, flipping eggs and watching other pans that also had food on them. Harry was sitting at the island, another man next to him and they were speaking in hushed tones.

"Harry?" Louis called, hiding most of himself behind the doorway. Harry's head shot up, a smile on his lips as he walked toward him. "Why didn't you wake me up?" Louis frowned, growing anxious at the sight of a woman in his kitchen, using his utensils.

"I'm sorry, pet. My mom and step father surprised me this morning and I decided to let you sleep." Louis' eyes widened, nerves growing as he took in what the dominant said. Harry's parents!

This was the absolute worst possible time for Harry's parents to visit.

"Oh, you're so pretty." Harry's mother appeared over his shoulder, smiling happily. "Of course, I knew you would be."

"Anne," Harry's father reprimanded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Robin."

"Nice to meet you both." Louis blushed, wringing his hands. He probably looked like a total mess-- Harry was even up before him! And he slept so late! They probably thought that he was the worst sub on the planet.

"Relax, baby. I'm sorry I didn't wake you, I know that this kind of thing upsets you." Harry sent a glare to his father as he talked. Robin smirked, shaking his head before turning back to his wife and speaking to her.

"Harry this really isn't a good time." Louis whispered, pulling at the bottom of the sweater. He and Harry are going through something pretty heavy right now, they can't deal with a meeting-the-parents situation as well.

"I know, Lou." Harry frowned, but before he could continue speaking his father cut him off.

"Harry?" Robin looked confused, making Louis a bit antsy. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Robin." Harry cleared his throat, sweet face changing to one of business. He turned away from Louis, stalking his way back to his parents. "How long are you planning on staying?"

"Not too long," Anne mumbled, staring Louis down. The sub avoided eye contact, moving from foot to foot. "Robin has promised he'd meet Richard for golf, and I have a few errands before the weekend. Will you and Louis attend?"

Harry nodded his head, not even glancing at the sub.

"Good." Robin grunted, taking a last bite of food. Anne picked up both her and Robins things, beginning to clean up the dishes she used. Robin excused himself, and asked for Harry to follow him, leaving Louis alone with the mother.

"I understand that you two have a few problems right now," Anne hummed, making Louis jump. "Harry may not seem like it sometimes, but he's a smart boy. He knows what he wants, and he'll do anything to keep it." She shared a secretive smile with her fellow submissive.

"He loves you, and if you just continue to give him that same love, you will receive nothing but happiness."

Louis coughed a bit, but nodded his head. He had no doubt that Harry could treat him right, was just wondering if the man would.

But Harry has treated him so nicely already-- his own mother said that he loved Louis. That's got to mean something, right?

Louis took a deep breath; right.

Thanks to the lovely larrycomeoutx for being there for me to ask advice! Sorry for such a short update, but this is the best place to cut off at. I've been taking longer to update than usual, I apologize for that as well! I'm working hard to fix that. This story is no where near done, and this drama is minuscule compared to what I have planned. I'm very excited. xx

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