Chapter Twenty Nine

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In a short few days it was going to be Valentine's Day, and Louis was still trying to figure out what to do for his Dom.

After celebrating Harry's birthday, they have settled into a domestic routine. They both woke up in the mornings, Harry getting ready for work while Louis made him breakfast, then once Harry left Louis would go through baby magazines, clean the house, or go shopping.

Everything was settled and there was a calmness that neither had expected.

"Yes, Ni!" Louis giggled on the phone as he washed the dishes from last night and this mornings meals. "I know, I couldn't believe it either."

Another thing that's happened since the announcement of Louis' pregnancy, is that Harry's family and friends were so lovely. Louis of course had already known that, but they were now always calling and asking if he needed anything. Niall and Barbara were especially sweet about the whole thing.

Several knocks on the front door interrupted Louis, making him furrow his eyebrows. No one was supposed to be coming over today.

"I gotta go, Ni. Someone is pounding on the door like a lunatic." The submissive sighed with a roll of his eyes, turning off the sink and drying his hands before making his way to the front of the house. "Love you too, bye."

Louis was getting increasingly frustrated as he finally reached the door, now the person was ringing the door bell! How obnoxious.

"What do you need?" Louis questioned as he opened the door, raising an eyebrow at the tall blonde standing there with her hip cocked out.

"Where's Harry?" The girl questioned, rolling her eyes at Louis like he was wasting her time.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Louis narrowed his eyes, mimicking her posture. "So I'll repeat myself, what do you need?"

"Oh, I get it now." She smiled, her ruby red lips revealing bright white teeth. "So you're his new sub?"

"Not new, honey. His one and only." Louis stiffened further as he realized who this girl must be.

Taylor, the sub Harry was with before Louis.


Harry couldn't wait until he was able to cuddle up with his Louis. He was on his way home, finally, after such a long day at work. His boy was so sweet this morning, soft hair and even softer personality as he cooked breakfast for them.

He loved how close they had gotten recently, and was getting more and more excited to start a family with him as the time went on.

When he finally arrived home he grabbed his briefcase and jogged to the front door, unlocking it with a grin before it dropped immediately.

Louis was sat in the foyer, head in his hands. Harry knew immediately that something was wrong. "Baby?"

"Were you going to tell me?" He questioned, making Harry pause in confusion. "That you and Taylor were talking again."

Harry's eyes widened, dropping his briefcase to jog over to Louis. "What are you talking about, baby?"

"She came over today," Louis had a blank look on his face that made Harry's stomach churn. "She's very pretty. I don't blame you."

"Baby no ones prettier than you." Harry reminded him, unsure where this was going. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about why my dominant would think that meeting up with his exgirlfriend behind my back was a good idea." Louis stood up, making Harry move backwards.

"It's not even like that though," Harry attempted to explain, worry beginning to form in his gut. "It's all business. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be upset."

"Well maybe you should tell her that it's all business." Louis sniffled, making Harry's heart break. He never wanted to be the cause of the mother of his child's tears.

"She should know that baby! That's the only thing me and her have even spoke about." Harry was beginning to get a bit defensive. Why did Louis believe her over him?

"She came to the house today Harry! She came over and laughed at me when I told her I was carrying your child. She told me how much you hated kids, and that she would never have trapped you like I have!" Tears were streaming down Louis' face rapidly, and Harry was trying his best to control his anger.

How dare that bitch say such things to Louis?

"You haven't trapped me, princess." Harry walked towards the shaking boy slowly, not wanting to startle him. "I'm so happy to be starting a family with you. I love you baby, no one else has ever had my heart like you do."

"You promise?" Louis whimpered, looking especially small with how he was curled in on himself.

Harry wrapped his arms around the boy, rocking them back and forth until Louis calmed down. "Baby, if you want me to tear down any contract still going with her I will do it. I don't want you stressed like this, it's not good for the baby."

"I don't want to ask you to do that." Louis whined. "Is she good for the business?"

"She's not significant enough to cause a rift in our relationship." Harry replied, lips pursed. He knew exactly how to deal with that wicked woman. "Don't worry about her ever again, okay? I love you."

"I love you too." Louis sighed, nuzzling close to Harry's chest.

(If you're at all confused about anything going on right now, refer to chapter 15)

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