Chapter [2] Smarty Pants

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Chapter Two:

It's been exactly twenty-one hours and twenty-two minutes since I exchanged remarks with Skylor....and dumped a bowl of froyo on his head. I dreaded the fact that there was a slight chance I'd bump into him again at lunch, but then I realized I have a class with him next.


When I walked into my history class, I scanned the room and to my liking, he wasn't here. I let out a small breath of relief and sat in my desk chair. A few minutes later, Mr. Danforth walked to the front of class and announced our next activity.

"Today we will be competing in an online quiz. Each group will have one clicker remote and who ever wins gets..." He rumbled through his desk and pulled out a medium sized silver liberty bell replica. "This!" He grinned brightly. He sat it down and looked at the class. "Now, everyone pair up. This is a grade as well." He ordered.

Everyone began pairing up and I was the only person left. It really sucked being the new girl.

But then he walked in.

"Skylor, you're late, where's your pass?" The teacher asked.

"Does it look like I have one?" He grumpily replied.

"You do realize, two more tardies and you're suspended." Mr. Danforth informed him.

"Yes, I realize." He sat at his desk until the teacher spoke again.

"Well now that you're here, pair up with Ivy." He nodded.

"Who?" Skylor furrowed his eyebrows.

He pointed at me.


There was a chair being pulled next to mine. I kept my eyes forward, watching Mr. Danforth fiddle with the smartboard to set our activity up. From the corner of my eye, I saw Skylor lean back in his chair and place both his feet on the desk.

I glanced over at him and saw he had his hands resting behind his head, his eyes closed as if he was at a spa. "You do know this is a classroom, not your house, right?" I scoffed.

"It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying." He continued to keep his eyes closed.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Mr. Danforth asked the class.

He was acknowledged with a group of "yeah's & sure's."

"So are you just gonna sit there and do nothing? I really need this grade." I stared at him in disbelief. "Fine." I sighed. "It's not like you would've helped anyway." I mumbled under my breath. I grabbed my clicker from the top of my desk and followed the teacher's instructions.

Five minutes into this quiz and I didn't have a clue what they were asking. It was all advanced and there was nothing at all about what we talked about yesterday. "I'm gonna fail this." I mumbled to myself when I clicked on the next question.

"Who planned the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?"

A) Gavrilo Princip
B) John Wilkes Booth
C) Jesse James
D) Black Hand

"Finally." I muttered after reading the question. I knew it was choice A.

When I clicked A, I was about to hit "submit" on my control until I heard a voice.

"What are you doing?" Skylor taunted as he leaned towards me.

"Answering the question?" I turned and faced him. His face a couple inches from mine.

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