Chapter [7] Triple Dog

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Chapter Seven:

"Yay. Sleepover!" Bonnie chirped as she pushed through my doorway with her bags.

"You know you're only staying a weekend, right?" I said, examining all of the things she brought with her.

"Yes I know. Which is why I have more out in the front. Wait while I get it, thanks doll." She strutted past me through the door again.

I shook my head. "So what are the plans for tonight?" I said loud enough so that she could still hear me.

"We are going to play triple dog." She turned towards me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh this isn't going to end well." I face-palmed myself. "Where are the other girls?" I asked.

Bonnie invited two of her friends from school, Brooke and Lauren. "They're on their way." She scrolled through her texts.

I didn't know them too well, but they were always really cool when I would see them sometimes at school. I decided this sleepover would be a good way of me making more friends.

When the girls got there we all gathered our stuff together of what we had planned for the night. First we ate some pizza and watched a movie. We were just laying around at first. But as soon as the movie was over Bonnie turned the lights on. "So who's ready for triple dog?" Bonnie grinned.

"What's that?" Lauren asked.

"It's basically truth or dare, but minus the truth and said person can not back out of the dare." I informed.

"Should I be scared?" Lauren commented.

"No." Bonnie giggled. "I'm sure they won't be that bad." She winked.

"Okay, who's first?" Brooke clapped her hands together while looking at all of us.

We silently looked at each other for a moment.

"We can pick numbers?" I thought aloud.

Bonnie agreed.

I went and got two pieces of paper and tore one paper into four little pieces. One sheet I wrote the numbers 1-4 and on the other sheet I wrote all of our names.

"So the first pile are numbers. Whatever number you choose is what turn you dare someone. And the second pile is our names. Whosever name you choose is the person you dare. Simple?" I stated.

The girls nodded in understanding.

1.) Bonnie dares Lauren
2.) Lauren dares Brooke
3.) Ivy dares Bonnie
4.) Brooke dares Ivy

"Okay, so Lauren." Bonnie turned towards Lauren in amusement.

"Oh boy." Lauren muttered.

"So, I am aware that Harry's parents are out of town this weekend which will make this a little easier for you." She started.

We exchanged nervous looks.

"I triple dog dare you to go inside Harry's house and take a pair of his boxers." Bonnie said as we all burst into fits of laughter.

Harry was a senior at our high school and one of the captains of the lacrosse team.

"Are you serious?" Lauren dropped her jaw.

"Yes." Bonnie laughed.

She took a deep breathe and got up from the circle we were seated in. She threw an oversized hoodie over her tank and leggings. We all followed suit.

We piled into Brooke's car and she drove a couple of blocks over and stopped a little before we got to Harry's house. We examined the house for a while. Eventually, we saw Harry walk past the window, taking his shirt off. "That must be his room." Brooke said.

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